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TW: Mentions of abuse, Alcohol usage, Swearing , Terminal illness and Death.

She froze, Elide froze. She didn't remember much after McGonagall told her why she and Draco had been brought down to her office. The last thing she clearly remembered was looking at her brother as the color from his face drained. She must've shared the shame expression because the Headmistress's face twisted uncomfortably after she delivered the news.

Now, she sat in the parlor of Malfoy Manor trying to keep her hands folded neatly on her lap as she awaited the arrival of her Father. The moment in the Headmistress's office kept replaying over and over again in her head, "Your Mother has reached out to notify me that Lucius will be returning from Azkaban on good behavior. She's requested you two go home to wait for his arrival".

Was this really happening? How could a Death Eater who's committed multiple crimes be released on good behavior? It made no sense to Elide, no sense at all.

She watched her brother take another swig of the whiskey in his glass, down it completely, then pour some more. She really wished he'd just sit down, her father could come in at any minute. Just the thought of seeing him again made a chill run through her body.

The day of his trial she cried when he was sentenced but not reason her mother thought she cried. She cried because he wasn't sentenced to death. She hated her father with every bone in her body. Regardless of the blood they shared she wanted him dead. She knew Draco did too.

She didn't just want him dead because of the pain he caused during the war, she wanted him dead because of the pain he caused back at home. She was terrified to see him again. Not only because he was an abusive alcoholic that didn't know how to control his rage. It was the path of destruction that followed. Everything he touched she swore he sucked the life out of it just like he'd done to her mother, Draco and herself.

When Elide and Draco arrived at the manor they weren't greeted by their mother. Their mother wasn't anywhere in sight and it concerned Elide.

As if on cue Narcissa strolled in. She looked sickly and frail. Elide's stomach dropped. "Draco would put that glass down. It's very rude to get intoxicated before your father's arrival" she scolded.

Draco threw his head back finishing the whiskey in glass and set it down. "Don't you understand I'm getting intoxicated because he will be arriving. He should be locked away mother, even you know that." He gritted.

Draco always talked back, it was his downfall. Elide on the other hand stayed quiet. She learned at a young age that disagreeing with her parents' orders only ended one way.

"You will listen to me, Draco. Sit next to your sister at once, he'll be here soon". Draco swallowed hard listening to his mother and made his way to the couch.

Narcissa left once more.

A few minutes passed and Elide heard muffled voices. It sounded deep and firm, most likely belonging to a man. It must be one of the guards that escorted Lucius home. Her heart raced as her body filled with anxiety.

Shortly after she heard footsteps making their way towards the parlor door. She kept her eyes trained on the ground as the door opened and the footsteps strode in.

"Ah my heir and my daughter" Lucius taunted. It made Elide's blood run cold. "Look at me when I speak to you." he snapped. Elide and Draco slowly looked up at the man before them. He looked terrible. His long blonde hair was matted and his eyes had big dark circles underneath them. He looked like he was on the brink of insanity. She almost smiled, she wanted him to suffer.

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