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Elide knew she needed to be smart about this. She knew that if she was going to get some sort of revenge she would need to calculate it properly. It had been a week since the incident in the bathroom and she hadn't come up with a single thing. Now, Elide sat in the great hall poking at her dinner surrounded by her house mates.

"Didn't your Mum ever teach you manners Eli? I know Narcissa Malfoy would not be pleased with her daughter if she saw her playing with her food, she'd throw a fit" Pansy teased. Elide grinned at Pansy and flipped her off which earned a snort from Blaise.

Pansy elbowed Blaise in the ribs which caused the two to banter amongst each other. Elide laughed at the pair arguing and watched the scene unfold. Then, something caught her eye when Pansy moved slightly to the left to get a better grip on Blaise's tie.

She saw Ginny all cuddle up with Harry the savior of the Wizarding World Potter. Disgusting Elide thought. This was just a reminder that she still had no idea how to get back at Ginny and it angered her but what angered her more was watching the redhead nuzzle her head into Harry's shoulder. Her grip tightened on the fork. That should be fucking me with her. Not him. Me. Then she watched as the boy placed a kiss on her forehead. Elide's jaw clenched. She wanted to smack those stupid bloody glasses off of Potter's face.

She removed herself from the table without an explanation and slipped out quietly. She left the great hall and walked toward the dungeons. Her thoughts were loud. Elide knew she needed to lose feelings for Ginny, but how could she do that if for the past four years she's been developing a crush on the redhead. It didn't matter how much the pair "hated" each other or that Ginny had been chasing different boys in past years, Elide would always look at her and admire the girl and she cursed at herself for it.


Sneaking around Hogwarts late at night was prohibited but Elide did not give a single fuck. She loved walking around the corridors at night because of how peaceful it was. She had the space to think to herself without Pansy interrupting her thoughts every five seconds. Elide loved Pansy, of course, just the girl simply didn't understand that not everyone cares about everything she has to say.

Her thoughts were soon interrupted. "Malfoy" a familiar voice said.

Elide sighed. "Weasley."

Oh lovely. This is just bloody perfect.

"Out for a stroll?".

"Yes it would appear as such" Elide retorted.

"Well if you didn't know I'm a prefect now".

"Oh, are you going to send me to detention Weasley?" Elide mocked, pretending to act scared.

Ginny smirked. "Drop the attitude and maybe I'll give you a warning".  Elide rolled her eyes. Could this girl be anymore full of herself?

"Aw flirting with me Weasley? Sorry but I'm going to have to deny your advances" Elide mocked. Ginny's body tensed at Elide's words.

The redhead scoffed. "As if. I'm with Harry and besides like I said I would never be with someone like you" Ginny spat.

"So you've said and yet.." She paused. Elide wanted to see how far she could push Ginny. This was going to be her way of getting back at her, she'd drive her absolutely mad with words only to leave Ginny to think about her later. "You continue to insert yourself into my life with pointless banter because you like when I talk back, it gets you all hot and bothered and you hate yourself for it".

Ginny's face twisted with rage. "You know nothing about me so don't pretend like you do". Elide stepped closer to Ginny and stood in front of her only inches away.

"Oh I know more than you think Weasley".

"Go on then Malfoy, tell me about myself since you know me so well".

"I know that you lied to me in the bathroom when you said you weren't queer because your heart wouldn't be racing from me standing so close if you were straight". Elide stepped closer teasing Ginny just like she had done to her a week ago. "I also know that you think about me more than you should in ways someone with a boyfriend shouldn't".

Truth be told Elide had no idea what she was saying but whatever she was spouting to her was working making it look like every word she spoke was true. Ginny just stood in front of the blonde trying to compose herself and think of something witty to fire back at her.

"Oh that shut you up didn't it? Oh I guess you really do hav-". Before Elide knew it Ginny smashed their lips together. She stood there for a moment due to pure and utter shock then, Elide came to her senses and snaked her hand up lacing her fingers through Ginny's red hair. She had never experienced a kiss like this; it was like Ginny had something to prove and she wanted to make sure her point got across.

Elide could feel Ginny's thumbs press into her hips and it was making her grow wetter by the second. She nipped at Ginny's lower lip as she kissed her drawing sinful noises out of the other girl. Elide's mind was swimming with questions. Did Ginny want this as much as she did? Was this some sort of sick joke to make Elide put her guard down? She continued to ask herself questions while kissing the other girl, then Ginny broke the kiss. Panic surged through her veins.

"You will not say a word to Harry. Got it?" the redhead scolded. Ginny was panicking just like Elide, her mind must also be flooding with a million questions every single one being left unanswered because neither of them were brave enough to ask.

Ginny stared at Elide waiting for her to answer but Elide never did, she smirked at Ginny not uttering a word because she had all the power now and she wouldn't dare let herself look weak in front of Ginny again. She wouldn't say anything to Harry but not because Ginny asked, for her own selfish reasons. Elide could not afford to be outed. Not now, not ever.

She watched Ginny's face as she turned around to walk away. It was the face of a panicked person, also someone who had just been snogged senseless. It made Elide wonder if she looked the same. Were her lips also swollen and bright pink?

When she returned to her dorm all of her feelings hit her like a massive tidal wave that was going to take her out to sea and drown her. Ginny, the girl she had been in love with for years, kissed her today. Her lips were on Elide's own moments ago and it drove her absolutely mad.

Elide brushed her finger on her lips remembering how that moment made her feel and it made her realize how incredibly fucked she was. That one kiss left her wanting more. She didn't know how to explain it, it wasn't like drugs, no. It was far worse and much more addictive.

The hope of her crush on the girl to stop slowly faded away. Elide was stupid to think that this had been a victory for her. Yes, she now had blackmail to use to her advantage but what Ginny didn't know is that she was Elide's biggest weakness. Ginny ruined whatever progress she had been making, not once but twice and Elide cursed herself for it. How could she let someone have this much control over her?

She sighed as she sat down onto her bed and grabbed the paste that Madam Pomfrey had given her off of her nightstand. She rolled up her sleeve and looked down at the ugly scar that was once the tattoo that she had been forced to bare. She took her index finger and rubbed it on her scar to soothe the burning sensation she had been feeling from the scar attempting to heal itself. This was just another reminder of her life and what it was and what it couldn't be. She would never have Ginny the way she wanted because snogging in the corridors after hours would never be enough. The thought of the pair being anything more than classmates was so out of reach it made her heart pang in her chest.

The paste had given Elide relief; it made all of her muscles relax as she drifted to sleep. This year had only just begun and she had no idea what she just got herself into. Neither of the girls did.

Word Count: 1472

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