Working Overtime

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     A warm breeze drifted into the workshop as Vaughan worked on a very delicate project. He had to use surgical precision as he welded tiny pieces of metal together, making sure the internal workings of the machine would function properly.

     "Papa!" Lucy's shrill voice suddenly reached his ears and there was a weight on his back. He ended up stabbing his tool through the flimsy metal and he clenched his hand into a fist, pursing his lips as he sighed heavily out his nose.

     "Hello, Lucy..."

     "Luce!" Carter lifted the child off his boss and gave her a hug.
     "How's my favourite niece?"

     "Awwsum!" She said cutely, giggling. Dazz walked into the workshop, going up to Vaughan as he slid the project off the workbench and into a trash can beside it.

     "Hey, we came to visit. You've been working way too much overtime, you should take a break." She put her hand on his shoulder, ignoring Lucy's screams as Carter played with her since they would quickly turn to laughter as she was caught after being tossed up in the air.
     "Come home, please? Stop sleeping here every night..." He shook his head and got up from the chair.

     "I can't. I need to finish this steelhead gear, it's my livelihood, remember?" She subtly rolled her eyes.

     "I know that, but Lucy really misses you." He gave her a hug, which she returned.

     "And I miss her too. But the deadline is getting closer, and Carter is working on all the normal repair orders while I'm doing this." He leaned down and gave her a short kiss.
     "How about... I come back tonight, and do some of this work at home? That way I'm there and Lucy can come see me when she wants. As long as she doesn't interrupt me, of course." Dazz smiled and nodded quickly.

     "That would be great!"

     "Is Papa coming home?" Lucy asked as Carter put her back down on the ground.

     "Yes, sweetfish." Vaughan let go of Dazz to go and pick up Lucy, giving her a gentle squeeze.
     "I'm coming home for tonight, but I won't be able to play with you." She pouted at him, and when he saw it he poked her nose.
     "Don't give me that look. You can come see me, but don't try to distract me okay?" She started to whine, not wanting to do that.
     "Okay, Lucy?" He waited for her response, and after a few seconds she begrudgingly nodded.
     "Good." He smiled, patting the gold scales on her head. He passed her off to Dazz.
     "Take her home, and I'll be there by the end of the day." She nodded, holding Lucy close and walking back to the water with her.

     "See 'ya tomorrow, boss." Carter waved goodbye before disappearing into the restless waters of the ocean. Vaughan was packing a case with things he needed to do his work in the bunker. It had an airtight seal on it so nothing inside would get damaged by the saltwater. He closed up the shop for the first time in 3 days, and headed down to his home. As soon as he'd made it to the bottom of the stairs he was tackled by a small force.

     "PAPAAAAA!" He stumbled, leaning on the wall beside him so he wouldn't fall over.

     "Lucy! You almost made me drop my case!" He said angrily, so she quickly backed away.

     "I-I'm sowey..." He groaned quietly in annoyance, squeezing his eyes shut and pinching the bridge of his nose.

     "It's okay. Just please don't do that again." He stood straight again and started heading for his and Dazz's room, where he had a desk he could spread out the metal pieces on.

     "Van, will you be coming out to have dinner with us?" Dazz asked from the kitchen area. She was in the middle of making some pasta, which Lucy had obviously asked for since it was one of her favourite things.

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