Chp 3. Phantom theif P.3

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You are stronger then the things that made you weak... nanananana... would you stop that! I'm trying to focus. Focus on what exactly? What does it look like you moron? Quiet brat. Bite me traitor. DO. NOT. EVER. CALL ME THAT! Seems I struck a nerve! Now I'll just finish this... *click* finally. ...Will you tell me what you're making brat? A lockpick. It's to help the idiots on their path. They might get stuck without it. And how are you going to get them lockpicks without telling them you know they're the new phantom thieves? That's... that's a good question. I'll figure out something.

{Take your time}

Katsuki:"Ooh a lockpick!"

Well that was easy. Just put it in his desk and he just... took it. That's not a good sign. I thought you said he was smart? He usually is...

{take your time}

The day passes as I follow the 3 idiots in the metaverse... wait 3? Seems like someone followed the two morons. A pink skinned girl with an acid quirk named Mina Takamaki Ashido. She's a model. Huh... first Sumire, then this... brat! What's Loud mouths middle name? Huh? Why? Just tell me! Jeez fine! It's Sakamoto. ...goddamnit... what? When Igor said history was repeating itself, I thought he was wrong, since none of my friends are appearing. And that got me thinking... why is my history not repeating like the other individuals? Because your actor arcana is more literal then you think. You mean I'm literally playing a part that isn't me? Yes. Everyone is an actor here. You're all playing the roles that were in my world! That explains their middle names and purposes! If you can find middle names that match the old phantom thieves- then I don't have to guess the next phantom thieves!
Correct! Guess there's a lot more going on then we thought... for now let's focus on Ashido. She was wandering around the Metaverse after accidentally following the two morons in their investigations on Kamoshado. Apparently she was asked about her friend Hagakure who's on a school team. From what I've seen before, she's been a prime target for his... illegal sexual exploits. That girl? Her middle name? Suzui. Another match? Yep. Poor girl was an attempted suicide case. From what my reports told me, it was only confirmed to be a teachers fault after his change of heart. Let's hope it's not going to happen to Hagakure... if history's going the way it's going... I know. These absolute morons are going to get her killed... the least I can do is send an ambulance to that location if it does happen. I'm not a damn negotiator. Not even gonna try to save her? Whatever happens to her is not my fault. And I refuse to take responsibility. I won't try and play hero for something that's destined to happen. I decide to help Ashido out since she's a little stuck. I drop from the ceiling to a better vantage point while Ashido was crying out to Kamoshado. The why's and how's and such. Don't care for the speeches and such.
But just as I'm about to drop down to the floor and help her out, the other two idiots bust in. Dear god...

Hammer:"Let her go asswipe!"

He summons Arkansas and shoots a bunch of shadows, but then gets bitch slapped aside by a huge shadow. I snicker a bit. You're an asshole. You're one to talk. Violet takes more hits then Hammer, but still gets shut up like a bus hitting a chirping bird. Wtf kind of metaphor is that. Was the first thing that came to my head. And then surprise surprise, Ashido awakens her persona. She breaks her holding devices. Just like Takamaki...


She starts to eliminate the enemies with psy
attacks from a lady in a dress. From what I remember, Euphrosyne is the Greek goddess of happiness. Seems fitting for the girl who's always so happy. The battle starts again with me observing with my legs crossed from a higher position. I put my hand on my chin watching the fight unfold. Hammer was using mostly physical attacks with a bit of electric attacks, while Violet was using bless attacks. Hammer had a more direct style of attack, going in for attacks with his tomahawks and twin revolvers to deal the maximum amount of damage as recklessly and ruthlessly as possible. He dodges an attack and does a little slide, cutting the bottom of a shadow. Meanwhile Violet was much more elegant with her fighting. She was almost dancing around, as every hit with her rapier would be precise and accurate. She'd dodge one attack, then parry the next, then immediately counterattack. It was almost beautiful. Reminds me of an huge old company heiress I used to idolize. Not in a weird way, but like as a hero. Ashido was all over the place. It was clear she had no idea how to fight. She had a spear and a goddamn RPG. She relied on her RPG a lot, as you really didn't need to aim it at anything. She did manage to set Hammer on fire somehow, which I laughed at a bit. I thought you were just being an ass when you called them idiots, but you're right. When am I ever not right?
They ended up retreating after defeating a big shadow. Morgana had decided to help them after a little bit of discussion. My theory on him is that he was reborn to help us with our time problems. Since nobody could really play his role, he needed to be brought back. Think of him as a returning character or re-cast. Anyway they manage to pick him up after a little exploring. Hammer and Morgana argue over the second one not being a cat. Sounds familiar. I guess your version was an idiot too? More than you know. They end the day after Morgana leaves through a vent. And just like before, Morgana starts fawning over Takamaki. Dear god... how are we gonna do this... I exit the metaverse and follow them with my stealth skills. They ended up going to their classroom where I wait outside the door.

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