The Hope Song: part 1

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      A girl sits in solitude singing a hope song. With black hair that blends beautifully with the night. Opal, was her name. It suited her quite well. Opal didn't know what she was or who she was. All she knew was that she was different. With eye's of various colors. Red, green, blue, even grey. They changed to many colors. It depicted her emotions. However, you rarely see them change anymore, for she lacks many emotions.
     She has quite a tragic past, but what could of been done to prevent it. She had a loving family her brother Adam, as while as her mother and father. They stemmed to be a joyful family. When Opal was born her eye shinned a lilac purple. However they changed very often. Just like the opal stone her eyes reflected rainbow colors.
     However hidden behind this perfect family was fear. Opal knew she was different. She knew people were scared of her. Her mother and father were scared of her the most. For it has been prophesied that she has overwhelming power trapped with in her.
      Adam on the other hand was different. He saw nothing to get in her and loves her for who she was. Opal loved her brother as well. In fact, he was the only happiness she felt in her life. Having vein hated you could imagine why she saw him as an only resource for happiness.
      Opal was fine with having her life lived like this. As long as she had her brother she had no fear. Though happiness never stays. On an early morning her village was attacked by dragons. Though it was quite odd since they dragons were peaceful creatures. The dragons killed almost all the humans, ad that is why you rarely see them in the mist today.
      Opal lost her family. She found her brother dead under a tree. His blood splattered the trunk like a painting. Her mother and father was found dead in the house as well, having been ripped apart by by a dragon claw. Lifeless bodies surrounded the village, soaking the group red.
     Opal has pain in her heart but never admits it. She could feel joy however she blocks happiness away now. Just like a doll with blank eyes. waiting, watching, doing nothing. Feeling nothing........

Thanks for reading my story I will continue with the next part soon

P.S. my 1st story may be a bit longer than the other ones I will right.



And please let me know if Im jut wasting my time writing these.

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