The Red Pool: Part 1

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I'm sure you think you know so much about the mist now. Well right there is where you're wrong. The mist is a mystery. Don't worry it will all unravel in the end.

Anyway I think it's about time for another story. Be careful what you wish for.

This land as we all know is magical. But one little element is let out of this fact. The waters. magical beautiful creatures like no other love in them. It's natural to be paired by them. No human can resist wanting to be there. Considering what I've taught you so far, the lagoons are probably the only place you would want to be. The only place where innocence may be left.

Now lets start off.

It all began with a handsome hunter. He himself believed so at least.

All women swooned over him, however he let no one into he's cold heart. No one knew why.

Maybe a tragic event, or, as some say, maybe "he was born that way."

Anyways back to the point.

The handsome young man was out on a hunt, alone as usual.

But that fateful night changed his life.



The wind has picked up. Well there is no reason to stop know.

I won't be able to sleep anyways.

The same dream haunts me over and over again. It's my own fault. This is PART of my punishment.

I was further away from my hut, towards the waters to be exact.

As usually the women bribed me to come to the pub with them. Unfortunately they managed a drink from me.

I wanted nothing to do with those disgusting people. How can they live with themselves, sleeping and drinking day after day and fulfilling their own selfish pleasures?

I somehow escaped............luckily.

I spit out a lie of me going hunting, which I was........... Sort of.

I just wanted to find a new place to explore. I wanted to be alone, better than being with those monsters.

However I always carry my weapons with me. More so for when danger comes ill be ready to attack, but if an animal comes my way ill of course take my opportunity. Food has been running low recently, and people have been gorging themselves on rum.

So I technically am hunting

Lucky I was the only hunter. In fact the best I may add.

People come to me and buy my meat. In exchange, MOST of them leave me alone. I have no need for money. I was quite capable to take care of myself.

I'm starting to taste the salt in the air. I must be close.

As always I was wearing my normal hunting clothes. I never go outside of my home with out them.

On a normal day at HOME I would wear dirty old rags that just barely fit me.

My hunting clothes consists of my tight fitted black pants and my dark leather vest that showed off my muscles and had a long tail in the back that almost reached the ground. I'm barefoot most of the time.

I have dark brown, almost black, straight hair that I had grown out to my shoulders. Ever one tells me my eyes are a bright green but I honesty don't know. I'm to afraid to see what I look like now.

I work out every day so I obviously have muscles. I had a six pack but I keep that to myself.

Yes I know I'm handsome.

I kept walking until I finally can to a clearing.

It was a pool a water so clear that you could see the bottom.

It felt so peaceful.

I heard a waterfall close by, but with the waterfall I also heard something else.
It sound like a tune being hummed.

I try to find where the voice is coming from but all I ended up doing was aimlessly wandering toward the large pool.

Haven given up I started to take in my surroundings. The fairies near by had started floating around the area. They lit lithe surface of the water.
I watched as they fluttered around when something caught my eye.

Something moved on a rock in the pool of water.

It took awhile for my eyes to adjust.

My eyes widened as I realized what had interrupted my vision.
I saw a beautiful woman half way out of the water, laying on the rock. She had lushes brown hair with sky blue eyes.

It took me a while to then realize again that she is the one humming.

And she wasn't humming she was actually singing.

"Oh fair sailor lad

He was handsome and free,

And he loved a gentle maid,

And his wife she would be:"

I could help but laugh at her little tune but I was lucky she didn't hear me.
It may of been odd since she was in the water, but she gave of this warm feeling in her tone.

"O my fair sailor lad

Come and bide here wi' me!"

But the fair sailor lad

Sailed away, 'cross the sea"

She kept singing her song as if lost in her own world. I kinda zoned out through most of the of her song. I was to busy staring at her. She was beautiful. Bright red lips. Pale white skin. She was nothing like the women at home. And I can tell she defiantly does have their ratcheted personalities. She had this innocence to her that almost seemed child like.

I then tuned her voice back in

"Oh fair sailor lad

He was handsome and free,

And he loved a gentle maid,

And his wif-"

Wait didn't she just sing the same thing in the beginning of the song.

"O my fair sailor lad,

Come and bide here wi' me!"

But the fair sailor lad

Sleeps alone 'neath the sea"

Whoa! Isn't that tragic. But I suppose all those songs are. A doomed sailor and his lover.

You hear them countless of times. I suppose it won't matter if your sailor bold is jolly or not.

In my opinion, it's love it's self that's tragic.

......... Isn't it always.

"O the fair sailor lad"

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