Chapter 15. Best in Worse

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Both of us stayed silent for some time. There was tense in the air. Each of us sat on opposite sides of bench. I knew that something was wrong. Envy was quiet and serious. There was some heavy burden on his mind. I was about to ask about it but i heard footsteps. Envy registered them as well and quickly told me to play little bit scared and to play like i was trying to get as far as possible from him. I looked confused but i decided to play along. Then he put on grin and tried to look as confident and as evil as possible. Soon Mustang and few guards showed themselves before our cell.

~[Y/N] stand up and come here.

I've done so and Envy's grin faded.

~Where is she going.

~Nothing of your business.

Mustang unlocked cell and let me out. Then he took off cuffs and asked.

~Is it true that he held you hostage? He made you do everything you have done bad so far?

I was totally confused but i remembered Envy telling me to play along. So i did it.

~Uh-um. Yes..

~Okey now you. Was she your hostage? Tell us honestly and maybe your punnishment won't be the greatest one.

~Ahh now it's useless to keep her or lie. Yeah she was and i loved to see her suffer.

~Well this is confession. So she is cleared.

~Now let's decide the fate of this monster. It killed Brigadier General Maes Hughes and used Flash achemist as hostage. He should have the greatest punishment but for this monster would be better to rot in cell for the rest of his unnatural life. And you [Y/N] will guard him. It will be your punishment but reward as well. Now you have power upon him but you have to guard him for the rest of your life. Hope it's not problem.

Mustang told with proud smile to which i answeared his question.

~N-no. Okey.

~So do you agree with me?

Everybody agreed.

~I want you to build solitary cell deep underground.

Everyone nodded to that as well.

Mustang then went deep underground and with alchemy he made small cell. Then all of us went to take Envy. I came first so i saw how he quickly changed expression from lost in thoughts to maniac. I smiled at him and he for a moment too but then he changed back to maniac one. As Mustang and others arrived they looked at him. I saw those looks on their faces. They were looking down on him. I hate to see them do it but i had to bear it just little bit more. They unlocked his cell and cuffed his hands behind his back. I looked at him to see his face furious but more then furious his face was filled with regret and sadness. He looked like he was in so many thoughts. About 5 minutes passed when i finally came deep down underground with elevator. There was nothing but long tunel, ventilations for fresh air, stairs and small room. As i finally arrived at the end of it i saw small cell. Mustang unlocked it and uncuffed Envy and then he throwed him inside and locked cell. I stood there speechless and Mustang started to tell me some instructions.

~From now on you are guarding this monster. Here you have keys even though i think you won't need them. In these doors you will have your work room but there is bed to sleep as well. There will be almost noone going in here. You will have day and night shifts as well but 3 days in week you can ask for guard change. Also i will be coming here sometimes to keep an eye on you.

And then he whispered to me.

~If you'd choosed me you wouldn't be through this and he would be dead long time ago.

~But i didn't choose you.

I told and grabbed keys from his hand. He glared at me.

~Now go for your stuff you would need. You have 2 hours to do so. I'm taking guard for you but it's first and last time.

I glared at him and then looked at Envy. He nodded and i then left as fast as possible to collect your stuff. Meanwhile Mustang stood before Envy's cell. Envy laid down on cold metal that was supposed to be bed and waited.

~I would like to see that despair in her eyes when she will feel totally useless. And when she will die from old age or sickness you will feel only despair as well. And without your powers you won't be able to escape from single human.

Envy just grinned.

~You know what? You didn't done that bad as think you have done. She won't die. And if she will die we will die both at the same time together. You think that i will go crazy after years when she will die from old age? It's impossible. But i'm not gonna tell you our secret because if you find out you will be the one in despair.

Mustang didn't expect this. He just chuckled and ignored Envy. Envy's grin faded as he thought about me.

It was about hour and half and i was done packing some of my stuff. I ran back to prison and saw elevator and quickly got in. When i walked to the tunell i ran to it's end and put my stuff on table near Envy's cell. I stood up before Mustang.

~I'm here to take over guarding. You can leave now.

I told to Mustang and he nodded and walked away.

~See ya other day.

I looked at him to see that he went away. Then i quickly grabbed keys and open cell doors and close them when i came in. Then i quickly went next to Envy. He sit on bed and i hugged him as tight as i could. He done the same. I started to cry because i felt responsible.

~Shhh don't cry. It's not your fault.

He pat me on my back.

~B-but this is terrible. It is my fault. If i didn't let them arrest us this wouldn't happened. I can't stand myself being out and guarding you, sleep in normal bed while you are locked in here. I just can't stand it. I love you and i want to be with you. I'm sorry for letting this happen.

~ I love you too. You don't have to be sorry- baka. We are here because of me. This was the only way to save us.

~What do you mean?


Envy told me whole story of what happened while i was unconscious and i couldn't believe it.

~It is too much on your head [Y/N].

Envy chuckled and i hugged him even tighter. I felt as my eyelids became heavy and i with tears fell asleep on his shoulder.

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