Chapter 23. West city and memories

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It's been 3 hours since i fell asleep on Envy's shoulder. Shortly before i fell asleep both of us changed to ours original forms. I was waking up but i wasn't laying on Envy's shoulder anymore. I was laying on his legs and he had his hand under of my head. I opened my eyes to look at his purple orbs. I gave him soft smile and he smiled back and pat my head.

~We will be there soon.

~Okey but i still don't even know where are we going.

~Yeah, yeah i know, sorry. We are going to West city. The lake where we were before together is near. That one when-

~When you made my dream come true and made me homucullus.

I smiled wide and he smiled back as well and kiss me on my forehead.

~You are really weird [Y/N] and that's why i love you.

I blushed and hid my face onto his shorts.

([A/N] he wears shorts with cloth across so it looks like skirt. So i'll write it as shorts.)

~Well [Y/N] we are here so let's get going.

~Ouh okey. Let's go out.

I told and stood up. Both of us came out of train and then something hit my mind.

~Envy? Don't you think we shouldn't be in our normal forms? At least i shouldn't be in my form. They know about your shape-shifting so they aren't after you but they don't know about me so my face is probably shown everywhere.

~Well that's true but i don't think they had time to send your face here so soon after our escape. They think you are in central because they didn't saw you get on train or something like that.

~Uhm okey. So for now we're just not going to mind it. Let's enjoy city even though it's about 4am.

~Okey. Let's go.

I and Envy both were walking through city while i was looking at stars. Envy looked at me and asked.

~Why do you like staring at stars so much?

~Well when i felt alone i just stared at them and i was able to space out a little. I could dream about everything i wanted and didn't have.

~But you are not alone anymore. I'm here with you.

~Yeah i know and that's why i love you. You are really great Envy. And i just wanted to remember that feeling. How i felt long time ago.

Envy looked at me confused and then both for us walked away. Hours passed and i and Envy were chilling on soft grass on hill. It was 1pm and sun was warming up my face. I had closed eyes and Envy was hugging me while laying on grass. Sometimes we told few words to each other but mostly we were chilling. Few more hours had passed and i found ourselves waking up.

~Envy? Where are we going to sleep? How are we going to live? Are we going to be transformed for the rest of our lives or just hide somewhere or always escaping military?

~I don't know. Let it be for now. It'll solve itself by time. Let's head to city and then to forest. I'll make fire and we will sleep there for tonight? Okey?

~Uh um okey. That's good idea.

Envy smiled and he took my hand to make me stand. Both of us went into city. When we were closer to town square i hear loud music. As we came closer i found out there was lots of people dancing. A memory hit me as i continued to stare at them. Envy pulled my hand but when i didn't move he looked at me and asked.

~What's wrong [Y/N]? We should go away.

~Uh um. Yes. I was just remembering stuff from when i was little.

~Well then, let's sit here and tell me about it.

~N-no it's okey. And i don't want you to laugh at me it's embarrassing for me.

~[Y/N] tell me. I didn't make you mine to know nothing about you. So now tell me. Oooor-

Envy started to tickle me and i started to laugh so much. When he stopped i smiled and told.

~Okey okey. I will tell you. It's just that when i was little i had only father and he died when i was about 5 years old. That's why i was always alone. I was doing only few things. Studying alchemy that my father left me, going out to look at stars, sometimes i was workinh what others let me do or went to town. When i was going to town i sometimes saw people dancing and having fun. I didn't know that feeling much so i always sat near and watched them. But some guys, older then me always came to me and started to insult me, beating me for being bookworm, and also because i couldn't dance. They were always bullying me so i didn't have even chance to join that fun. I was running away with cry almost every time. That's all what you wanted to know right?

~Well yes. Now i have really big urge to kill those guys.

~Don't worry about it. When i completely learned my alchemy i snapped fingers and sent those guys flying around 300 meters. From that moment noone ever insult me.

~Only lovely me can insult that baka sitting beside me.

~Yeah that's true.

~[Y/N]? Do you want to dance here?

~I would like to dance with you but i know you too good to know how much you hate humans and after a while you would kill them. And i hate them too and i don't want to be touched by random guys who smells after alcohol. So don't mind it.

~Yeah. You have the truth. I would kill them in no time.

I and Envy were talking for a while and then i hear someone near us say.

~Hey, look at his leg. Isn't it ourobora tattoo? And that girl looks just like the one on portrait that escaped with homunculus. It's probably those two escaped prisoners. Let's call to Central headquarters to Mustang that we found them.

As soon as ee heard them, both of us freezed and tried to escape unseen from place. We managed to get far but they soon noticed us and started to pursue us.

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