A New Home A New Friend

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I step inside to find a modern home with boxes and furniture everywhere. I help out, and carry my personal boxes upstairs into my room. When we finally finish getting the main furniture into place, it's late and we're all tired. I grab a cookie from our snack bag, and plop down on the couch. "Reagan, could you be of any use around here?" Says my dad annoyed. "Go get the tools from outside and put them in the shed." I sigh, roll my eyes, and let out a protest, but I finally lift myself off the couch and head outside.
Grabbing the tools, I head for the old shed and dump the tools inside. I hear a soft growl, and slowly turning around, see a huge, black panther standing ready to pounce. I let out a small scream, then stop myself. Panicking would only make matters worse. I toss a cookie at the panther, unsure of how he will take it. To my surprise, he gobbles it up, without hesitating and sits, waiting for more. I toss him another, and he greedily takes it and runs off into the brush. I sprint home as fast as my legs can carry me, and run straight into my dad. "Dad! I was putting up the tools when a big black panther came, so I tossed it cookies and it ate them and ran away. Acting casual my dad nodded and told me that it had escaped from a zoo a while back, and was harmless. I muttered out a quick "oh" and ran up the stairs into my room. I couldn't let this matter rest. I had to find out more about this majestic beast, and maybe try to make friends with it, like in the movies.
At 2:00 A.M., I sneak out of bed and creep into the woods. I pull out a piece of ham, and toss it on the ground in front of me. At first, all is still, then, as if lying in wait for me, the panther pounces out of the trees and quickly snatches the meat. I approach the animal with a look of respect, and a hand held out in front of me. The panther pulls back, but soon creeps it's head toward my hand. As my hand rests on it's forehead, I begin to pet the panther, and massage him behind his ear. He doesn't resist, and like a cat, starts purring, and pushing his head on my hand. Now, I feel like we have a bond, so he must have a name. I don't want one like Rodger or Bob, but I don't want one like clemeotheripio. I decide on qwertyuiop, (qwer ti op) which are the first letters on a keyboard. I give qwertyuiop a final pet, and scurry inside for breakfast.

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