lets go to the mall!

420 6 2

requested by: @jupiitermoonz

Going to the mall is fun, especially when you go with Ferris Bueller. He acts like a little baby, and he only goes because you're there.

"Y/n, you know I love you, right?" He said holding a few bags. "Yes, you tell me that everyday Ferris." You responded. "Yes, but, do you have to get new dresses and shoes? You already look nice in the clothes you have." You paused. "Ferris, I haven't gotten new clothes in about a year, this is detrimental."
"You and your big words, is this the last outfit?" He said holding up a blue dress.
"Yep! Just give me two minutes."
You took the dress and hurried into a dressing room.
God. Ferris and his questions...

After a few minutes, you walked out with the dress on, you thought it looked nice.
"Ferris, what do you think?" You asked. He looked up, his eyes widened. "Woah. Y/n, that's amazing! Turn around for a second."
You did, it was a dress that cut off in the back. Only thing is, he was looking for too long.
"You done?" You asked. "Nope. Hold that pose." He quickly responded.
"You're looking at my butt, aren't you..."
"Yep. Why not?"
You turned around and folded your arms.
"I'm getting this dress, stay here while I change."
His expression changed.
"Can I stay and watch?"
"No," you said closing the door.

After a while, you got the dress, along with a pair of shoes. Ferris thought that it would be romantic to try and hold all of your things despite him clearly struggling.

He suggested that you both get food, so you did. He went off to go buy another drink, but he never came back. Oh great, now you have to go find your boyfriend.

You looked everywhere, then someone started calling out for you.

"Y/n? Y/n!"

You batted your head back and forth, still no sign of him.


Then there was a collective gasp.

It was Ferris. He had on a pair of red heels with a hat and a scarf, and was on top of one of the tall things where the mannequins stand.

"Hey Y/n, look!"

You hesitated to turn around, but you did.

"Look! I'm just like one of these mannequins!" He said striking a pose.

"Ferris! Take the heels off and get down!" You shouted

He was about to step down, but he fell, face first. You had to put your hand over your face and turn around and act like you didn't know him. That didn't last long. You ran over and shook him to make sure he didn't die.

"Ferris! Get up, the security guards are coming over here."

He picked his head up, there were in fact security guards coming their way.

"Oh shit, we need to go. Get the bags!"

You ran back to the table and grabbed your things, Ferris was three cars ahead of you, if you fall or hit someone, you're dead.


He stopped, letting you catch up to him, and grabbed one of the bags.

"You two there! Stop!" One of the guards shouted

The both of you ran more, then turned a corner, then made it outside. Throwing the things in the car, you both got in and drove off

"That is the last time I am letting you go to the mall with me." You said out of breath

Ferris smiled, he knew that wasn't a promise


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