Ferris Beuller

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this was requested by the lovely @bbqsauceonmyt1tties !

Your POV ; corner hallway near lockers
"Yeah, like I was saying, I hate too much of that orange popcorn salt, why in the hell do they put so much? " you shouted

Your friend laughed

"You're so attentive to the little things, I actually like the orange popcorn salt, it's good!"

You had been talking to your guy friend Carson for quite a while. Besides Ferris, he was the one you could always come to about anything.

"I haven't seen your sweater vest wearing boyfriend at all today, you know where he is?" He asked

"For your information, I like his sweater vests, and two, I haven't seen him either." You snapped back

Weird, you and Ferris were always seen together, before school, after school, at lunch, during study hall, everywhere. Now all of a sudden he wasn't there. Or so you thought.

"Anyways, you want to go see a movie this weekend?" Carson asked

"Yeah, which one do you want to see, I'm thinking Fantasy Island."

"Ooh, Fantasy Island, sounds cool. How about Saturday at four?" He said eagerly

"Sounds great, I'll see you then!"

You both hugged and he gathered his things and left. You were left alone in the hall, gathering your binder and other things, then you felt an arm slip around your shoulder

You turned around quickly

"Holy Shit! Ferris? Where in the hell have you been?" You shouted

He stood there looking unamused, but you kept rambling

"Where were you! I've been walking to school for the past three days and haven't heard or seen you! How in th-"

He picked you up and roughly kissed you up against the lockers, which of course caught you off guard

"So, you and Carson, what's up about that?" He asked in a shaky breath

You were out of breath, what the hell was this about?

"Carson asked me if I wanted to go to a movie with him on Saturday. What? Are you jealous?" You asked insanely sarcastically.

He just glared at you

"Are you being serious? You've got to be jealous." you kept asking

He started to wrap his arms around your waist, all while glaring  at you

"Listen to me, I don't know what is up between you and Carson, but you're mine, always was, always will be. Don't you ever forget that." he finally said 

You stood there dumbfounded, your mind making sure that no one else was around, and to see where if his hands reached anywhere else besides your lower back

He pulled you into another kiss, but this time he frenched. His hands moved all over your body, but all you did was use your hands to pull his head closer to yours.

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