Chapter Four: The Tree of new life

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((I wanted Salazar to be younger but I really liked this  picture of them all so it's staying))
Hadrian woke up in the morning very early he was too excited to sleep and he had gone to bed early the night before so he wasn't tired. He sat up on his bed, took his glasses from the bedside table and put them on.

He got changed into some black pants and a black top with a dark grey hoodie thrown on top. He didn't mind getting these clothes dirty and he was going to go exploring further into the forest today, from dawn and probably till dusk or until he gets hungry.

After he had gotten dressed he sat on his window sill with a book on transfigurations while waiting for the sun to come up. He looked over at his bed side table and looked at the clock.

It was 5 o'clock in the morning so the sun should be rising soon. He carried on reading untill he saw a slither of orange peak out from behind some clouds. He put his book down and sat in silence as he watch the sun rise.

When the sun had full come out he started his descent down the stairs. He must have made too much noise as a door was swung open in front of him and James came out looking confused at who was making noise this early in the morning.

When he caught sight of Harry he looked even more confused as there was a little boy who looked more like some blobs because he came out the room without his glasses on.

Harry started to think and he noticed James didn't have any glasses on. He stood there looking at James until he decided to try and put a spell on himself that had read about in a book to try and make him invisible but he didn't have a wand so he didn't know if would work or not.

He knew it had in fact worked however as James closed his eyes and started muttering about still being asleep and seeing and hearing thing and it being too early for this in the morning. He went back into the room and Harry guessed he was going back to sleep.

A wave of relief swept over Harry as James went back into the room without any hesitation. Harry decided he would keep the spell on him until he got to the kitchens so even if he is heard by someone else they wouldn't be able to see him.

When Harry made it to the kitchens he sat down on a stool that was conveniently placed near where he was stood and took of the spell. The spell took more out of him then he thought it would so he sat until he regained enough strength to ask the shocked elves for something to eat and drink.

The elves nodded and started making something for Harry to have for his breakfast. As they placed it down in front of him he thanked them and asked them if they could make him a little something for later because he would be spending the day in the forest.

They agreed and also made Harry some lunch that he could carry around with him without spoiling it. The elves put some preservation charms on it and shrunk the meal while telling him that it might enlarge again when he says engorgio. Harry took the food, set it in the palm as his hand and whispered engorgio. 

It worked so the elves did the same charm to make it smaller and he put it safely in his hidden inside pocket of his hoodie. He didn't notice the shocked faces as he enlarged the food when told.

After eating his breakfast and drinking his orange juice he called for Tippy.

"What can Tippy do for Hadrian sir?"

"Nothing Tippy, I just wanted to tell you I'll probably be out all day in the forest but I will be back just after night fall because i want to watch the sunset while sat on the bridge but you will be able to see me if you just look out of the kitchen door."

"Okay Hadrian just be careful"

"I will I promise now, Goodbye everyone and thank you for preparing me my lunch as well as providing me with breakfast"

The Slytherin King //Adopted From KyrofrostWhere stories live. Discover now