Chapter Seven: Elements

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((Sorry if this chapter doesn't make much sense, it was getting confusing doing the founders & Merlin and Harry's pov but just in one pov. But I didn't want to have to change the pov all the time so it's staying like this 🙂))

Hadrian woke up early this morning and he wasn't even mad about it. That just ment that he could go back into the forest earlier and be could do more things. He wanted to also visit the centaurs because he said he would but it had been days and he still hadn't gone back yet.

He quickly got out of bed not bothered by the coldness that his room was almost always seemed to be swarmed in. Some days it would be a little warmer but not by much he didn't mind though he sort of liked the coldness anyways.

His excitement clouded his mind and he didn't pay much attention to what he was doing. He was too busy thinking about later that he got up too fast and tripped on his blankets that he had thrown off in his haste to get out of his bed. He landed flat on his face and groaned in pain. Sitting up slowly he rubbed his nose and forehead

He did not let this deter him, however he was more careful with getting up and ready for the day. First starting off with going to the toilet and getting a shower.

When he was done getting ready he went out of his room and down the stairs. He passed through the kitchens saying hello to the house elves and getting breakfast and lunch before walking out the back door once more.

He walked across the bridge and headed for the forest again. When he got to the forest line he did not take his time to look at his surroundings he went strait in the direction of the tree that seemed to be calling out to him.

He knew where the tree was located because he could feel its magic all the way from the manor, that's how strong it was. He wondered if anyone else could feel it and if they could why didn't they go to see what it was or if they couldn't why couldn't they feel it like he can.

He promptly made his way through the forest not noticing the animals were coming to see him again. When he arrived at the place he liked to be he sat down but neer the river because of the snake and its hatchlings.

He had brought some books out with him this time so that he could read instead of just drawing. The first book he began to read was about the history of the wizarding world from the last thousands of years.

The founders and Merlin watched as he went and sat down and started reading so they did the same apart from Row was also reading but Helga was looking at the sky while lying on her back, Ric was lying with his head in Sals lap while looking at the sky also having conversations every now and again,Sal was playing with Rics hair while staring at him and Merlin was just watching Hadrian read his books while trying to think of a plan to introduce themselves.

Hadrian was fascinated by the goblin rebellions between the sixteenth and seventeenth century but they also made him outraged at why they had to rebel against the witches and wizards.

He didn't realise exactly how angry he was until the wind started to pick up quite alot and it blew the book out of his lap that it had been resting on. He was confused for a moment but still looked up to search for his book.

The founders also looked at Hadrian like Merlin was already doing when they felt the wind pick up and were surprised to see him looking as confused as they felt.

When he spotted the book it was on the other side of the river he was sad because he didn't want to get wet. He stood up and rolled up he pants so he could go into the water with out getting his pants wet. He also took of his shoes and socks so he didn't get them wet either.

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