Chapter Twelve : Harry's First Wand

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He basically ran to Madame Malkins because he knew he was extremely late to pick up his outer robe. He walked in "Hello Madame Malkins."

"Hello Harry, are you okay? You are very late to pick up your robe." she replied

"Sorry Madame Malkins, I met the Lovegood's in Florean Fortescue's and I talked to Luna. I didn't realize how long I'd been, wait what time is it?"

"It's now 10:47."

"Woah, yes I am very late."

"It's alright Harry now, here is the robe you wanted."

She got it off of a counter and unfolded it in front of him, it was a dark green almost black Cape with a hood and draw stings so you could tie it around your neck and no one could see your face. It had lighter green trimmings along the bottom and the end of the sleeves.

"I love it thank you Madame Malkins, how much is it?"

"For you it shall be 3 galleon."

He took our his pouch "Thank you Madame Malkins."

He gave her the money and then wrapped the cloak around his shoulders and said goodbye to Madame Malkins before opening the door and walking out. He walked down Diagon alley and to Knockturn alley but before he actually entered the alley he put of his hood so that all of his face was covered apart from his chin and lips but so he could still see.

As he walked through Knockturn alley many wizards and witches stared at him. He didn't blame them either, if he was in there position he would stare too but that didn't mean that it still wasn't unnerving having so many people watch you at the same time just for walking in an alley.

He knew they stared because of his small stature and for those who could see magical cores in someone his would be grey leaning a little towards light. He could see other people magical cores and when he looked at the people's whom where in the alley they were dark or grey leaning towards dark.

He carried on walking with his head held high ignoring all of the people that were looking at him. When he had finally arrived at Wonder Wands many witches and wizards were looking at him but he still didn't pay them any mind as he stepped carefully into the shop.

As he stepped in he could feel someone's magic aura so they were close so he looked around but he couldn't see anyone. "Hello?" he called in a quiet voice, when no one answered he got a bit louder "I know someone's here."

He took half a step forward and books (seemingly out of no where) came flying at his head, he put up his hand and all the books stopped mid-air. He flicked his wrist and all the books flew back to where they came from which was a shelf which Harry had noticed when he was looking around that was placed at the back of the store.

He heard a gasp coming from around where he was looking so he took meaningful strides towards the book shelf. When he arrived he peered around the corner and saw a middle aged man looking through a hole where either a thick book or several small ones should go. "Hello." Harry repeated casually but his tone had an icy tint to it telling the man that he did not appreciate having books try to whack him in the face.

The man slowly turned noticing Harry was there only when he spoke he tilted his head up a little so he could see Harry after having to crouch to see through the book shelf. "Hi" he replied squeakily. He quickly cleared his throat and tried to talk again but this time with a little more dignity "What do you want? You are too young to buy a wand... So what do you want?" though he did speak with dignity he also spoke with a tone of rudeness

Harry studied him for a moment not saying anything until looking him strait in the eyes and saying, "Just because I made you squeaked like a teenage boy going through puberty doesn't mean that you can be disrespectful towards me." The man nodded feeling the manifesting anger that Harry was having a hard time keeping underneath his calm exterior.

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