Day 21~ YouTube party

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I got up and had a head ache. "Fuck..." I groaned to myself. I put my face into my hands. "Something wrong?" I heard him say from behind. I sighed heavily and looked over to him. "Just a head ache.." He sighed and put his head on my shoulder. "I was really looking forward to a YouTube party today, but if your not feeling well.." He said quietly. "Wait what!" I said happily. He jumped a bit then chuckled. "I've always wanted to go to one of those!" I said happily. "Well if you want.." He said giggling. I got up and walked to my closet. I threw off my clothes and grabbed a black dress. Mark scoffed. "Getting changed in front of me? That's making me horny." He said with lust in his voice. I spun around and smirked. I sat on his lap and hung my arms on his shoulders. He smirked and pulled me against him. "Hey party starts at 12 so we have to make it quick." He said quietly. I kissed him, and wrapped my legs around him. He pulled away and got up. He set me down and kicked off his sweats, and boxers. His member sprung out. "Make it quick, like I said." He said quietly. I pushed him onto the bed and smirked. He kissed me slowly. I crawled on top of him and hovered him. He gripped my hips tightly and bit his lip. "Fuck.." He groaned quietly. I slowly dropped myself down onto him. I started to grind against him making him moan loudly. "F-Fuck Y/N.." He groaned and he make quick thrust. I moaned but covered my mouth and tried not to annoy Ethan. He grunted quietly and sped up his thrust. He flipped us so that he could go faster. He quickly slammed into me and pressed his lips on mine. I moaned into the kiss which made him more aggressive. "COULD Y'ALL KEEP IT DOWN!!" Ethan yelled from across the hall. I chuckled and covered my mouth. The bed squeaked as he put his hands down onto the bed. "Fuck..Fuck.." He quickly pulled out and stroked his member. I panted heavily and climaxed. I moaned loudly and gripped the bed sheets. He soon came onto my stomach. He wiped his sweat. "Shit.." He went over to the closet and grabbed a suit. I cleaned myself up and put on the dress. Mark was wearing a suit and tie. I smiled innocently. He gave a weak smiled. He still was panting a bit. He smiled and brushed out his ruffled, and messy hair. We walked outand went down stairs. Ethan looked us both in the eyes and snorted. "Uh..." We both burst out laughing. "Yea. Yea. Fuck off." Mark said playfully. We all giggled. "Did you get an invite to the party?" Mark looked at Ethan and said. He shook his head and sighed. "Damn that sucks." Mark said. I take a look at the time.

11:45 AM

"Mark we should get going." He nodded and waved goodbye to Ethan. We walked out to the car and got in. And we drove off. I felt kinda bad for Ethan since he couldn't go. I looked out the window and saw what looked like a small warehouse. We got out and went inside. There were a ton of YouTubers. There were people smoking weed, drinking, playing games, and making out. We giggled and walked in. A couple of people looked towards us. We saw a couple of bigger YouTubers playing what looked like truth or dare. So we walked over. "Mind if we join y'all?" Mark said chuckling. I noticed some of them. Juicyfruitsnacks, PewDiePie, Mully, Lazarbeam, and Lordminion777. They all nodded and we joined their small circle. "By the way this is Y/N If some of you don't know." Mark said. I smiled. "Sister..?" Gaege (Juicy) said in a funny way. Mark snorted and started laughing. "No my girlfriend!" Mark said still laughing. Gaege blushed and chuckled. I leaned on Mark's shoulder as we played the game. "Hey Mark truth or dare?" Mully asked Mark giggling. "Truth." He said quietly. "Is it true that you and Y/N have ever had sex?" He asked. Mark turned a deep red and scratched the back of his neck. "Erm.." He said nervously laughing. "Of course they have Mully!" Felix said while laughing. Mark looked furious. "Oh fUcK oFf!" He said giggling. Wade looked me in my eyes. "Y/N truth or dare?" He asked. "Dare." I said trying to look brave. "I dare you to kiss one of the boys here." He said. Felix face palmed. I quickly gave Mark a kiss on the cheek. He chuckled and put his arm around me. "You guys are to cute!" Lannan (Lazar) said giggling. Mark smiled. We continued playing. Soon Sean walked up and asked to join. We all nodded and he sat down. I hated that Felix was there, but me and Lannan were good friends. "Sean truth or dare." Mullen (Mully) Said evilly. "Dare" He said quickly. Mullen grinned and looked at Felix. "I dare you to have a full make out session with Felix" Mullen said laughing. Mark started laughing and so did the others. Sean quickly scurried over to Felix trying to hide his blush. Felix pulled him down onto his lap. Another group of people walked over. They started full on making out. People from all over the ware house were chanting "Jelix". They parted each other with saliva connecting their tongues. People were recording and laughing. Sean went back to his spot and put his hood up. People laughing very loud and Mark and I sat there quietly. I saw a stray tear fall from Sean's face as people kept laughing at him. I got up and stood over him. I sat down next to him and hugged him. Mark got up and started yelling at all the people. "All you fuckers leave!" He yelled at all the groups of YouTubers. They are ran off to some other place in the ware house, scared of his loud voice. "Sean want to come home with us?" Mark and I asked. Sean nodded and got up. Mark flipped off Felix and Mullen. Lannan stood up and growled. "OI MATE DON'T FLIP OFF MEH FRIEND!" He yelled. Mark spun around and growled. "Lannan don't fuck with him.." Felix quietly said. "SHUT UP BASTARD!" Mark yelled loudly. Lannan threw a quick punch at Mark's face. Mark looked furious and grabbed the collar of his shirt. "LISTEN HERE BUD, I CAN FUCK YOUR SHIT UP SO I WOULDN'T CONSIDER THROWING ANOTHER PUNCH!" Mark yelled into Lannan's face making many eyes focus on him. Lannan threw another punch. Mark quickly reacted and punched him at full force. He jumped onto Lannan and threw some more punches. People tried to pull him off but couldn't. I felt tears fall from my face as I watched Mark punch my friend over, and over. "Mark stop!!" I yelled and I felt the world crumble beneath me. He dropped Lannan, who looked dead at this point. Me and Sean stood there in fear. He looked over to us and huffed. He wiped his bloody nose and sighed. Lannan was passed out on the floor. "MARK I'M TIRED OF IT!!" I yelled at him. His face turned from anger to broken hearted. I stomped out of the ware house and walked. I heard heavy footsteps behind me. "Wait!" I heard him yell. He grabbed my arm and stopped me. It started to rain. I spun around and looked up to him. "I'm sorry.." My voice cracked. I yanked my arm from him and kept walking. I heard him sigh from behind me. I heard slight sobbing and slowly footsteps. I sat down at a bus stop to keep from the rain. I checked my watch.

3:26 PM

I sigh and continue to cry. After a couple of minutes I heard a familiar voice. "Y/N? Are you okay?" I look up and see Gaege. I quickly wipe my tears and sniff. "I'm fine.." I say quietly. He sat down next to me and looked over. "Where's Mark..?" He asked. I sighed and started crying again. He hugged me. I heard footsteps and we both looked over. I saw Mark walking up to us with dry tears on his face. He was soaking wet from the rain. "Y/N.." He said in a tired voice. As if he was running. "Mark I don't want to see you right now, you beat up one of my close friends.." I said almost yelling. He broke down and started crying again. "I'm sorry.. I fuck everything up.." He said quietly. He walked off. "If you want you can stay at my place." Gaege asked. I nodded and we got up. We walked down the street until we got to a house. He opened the door and went in. "Me and the boys have to record. I have an extra VR set." I gasped and nodded happily. I followed him to a room. He handed me a headset and helped me set it up. We got into a game of VR chat. I choose a avatar. We got into some kinda map with some other people. Some of the boys didn't know me. So I introduced myself. Mully was very quiet after what happened with Sean and Felix. "Hello i'm Y/N nice to meet all of you!" We played around in the game then ended the video. I took off the set and smiled. "So what you want for dinner?" He asked giggling. I shrugged. "Chinese." I said. He gasped. "Sushi??" I nodded. I was in one of his hoodies because my dress was soaked. I had on some of his sweatpants to. We walked out and went downstairs. We got into his car and drove off. We pulled into a parking lot of what looked like a fancy restaurant. We got out and went inside. We sat down and ordered some sushi. We ate for a while. We laid down a tip and got up. We walked outside and saw a shady figure near Gaege's car. It was in a suit. I quickly recognized the figure. Dark. I gasped and covered my mouth. "Gaege i'm sorry but we have to get out of here." He looked at me confused. "What do you mean?" He said. I shushed him to get him to whisper so Dark didn't hear us. Dark moved away from the car. "QUICK RUN TO THE CAR!" I yelled. He shrugged and we ran to the car. Gaege quickly started up the car and took off to the house. We ran into the house. "Ok please explain what's happening." He said quickly. I heard a bang at the door and I quickly covered my mouth. "Shit he followed us!" I yelled. He quickly pushed me behind him and grabbed the metal bat by his door and opened the door and swung. He hit Dark square in the face. Dark chuckled quietly. "WHAT THE FUCK!? WHO IS THAT?!" Gaege asked loudly. He started laughing. "Darkiplier. But just call me Dark." I started to shake. "And I've come to claim Y/N." He said an a evil voice. "No! She's is staying here!" Gaege said quickly. Dark looked like he was struggling. Mark was trying to take over. I started crying and stood behind Gaege. "God Dammit Mark cut it out!" Dark yelled. "What's happening to him.." Gaege asked quietly. "Mark.." I said. We both looked up to see Mark just staring at us. He blushed and looked at me. "I-" Mark said quietly. We just stared at each other. "Leave." I looked Mark in the eyes and said. He slowly left and I sighed. Gaege looked at me confused. I sighed a flopped onto the couch. "I'll explain later." I said while laying down. He shrugged and went upstairs. I closed my eyes and went to bed.


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