Chapter 5

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Sakura's POV

Sasuke hasn't answered his phone since the day he stormed out of my house.

It was so awkward I even sent Naruto home and couldn't get any work done

I decided to meet with Naruto early before school started so we could talk about the project some more and to apologize on Sasuke's behalf

"Sakura! Over here!" Naruto waved for me from the school entrance

I'm surprised I didn't think he'd get here before me

"Good morning!" I waved back and walked a bit faster

"Sorry about the other day"

"What do you mean? I had fun- see I even left my nails painted" Naruto said pulling his hand out of his pocket to show me

"Yeah but you know- with Sasuke and all that" I went on

"Huh? What makes you think you need to apologize? You didn't do anything?" He still seemed confused

"Yeah I guess you're right" suddenly I don't remember why I felt the need to apologize

"How about we all work on the project today after school in the library" he suggested

"I don't know... things with Sasuke right now are a little complicated"

"What's wrong? Don't tell me you guys broke up?!" Naruto seemed overly concerned and loud

"Kinda- he said he needed a "break" from our relationship" I sighed

"Uh- what's that mean"

"It means we're taking time away from each other but aren't broken up" I explained

"Well you guys sure chose a great time for that one..." Naruto said sarcastically

"Im sorry" I apologized again

"That's alright- but what to do about this project" he sat down to think

"Let's not do it and fail!" He suggested proudly

I hit him on the head

"Ok ok" he rubbed his head

"I'll just work with you for now and then work with Sasuke later and put all the stuff together!" Naruto then suggested

"Ugh Naruto- thats- actually not a bad idea"

"My genius sometimes surprises even myself" he sparkled

"Then why doesn't it reflect on your grades?"

We both laughed


Ino's POV

Last night Sasuke stopped by my families flower shop in complete distress

After calming him down he told me everything!

I'm not sure if I should even believe it he could just be blowing things out of proportion. I mean I've known Sakura my whole life she can't be all that close to Naruto these days.

Today I agreed to talk to Sakura personally to figure things out on his behalf

To think they only just got back together now I'm caught in the middle trying to fix their relationship

"You'd think they'd learn from the last time that communication is key" I sighed

"Guess it's not as easy for some people- maybe I should get them a book on relationships!" Sai suggested as we walked to school

"I don't think they'd take that too well..."

"Oh there's Sakura and Naruto" Sai pointed out to me

They were talking alone in the courtyard

I guess I'm starting to see what Sasuke's worried about

"Would you like me to go with you?" Sai offered

"No I think Sakura and I need to talk alone" I said with a sigh

"Alright I'll see you in class" Sai took my bag and carried it to class for me

"Sakura!" I called out jogging over to her

"Good morning Ino!" She smiled at me

"Hey Ino!" Naruto smiled too

"I ran into Sasuke last night what's going on with you two?" I told her

"Oh you heard about that?" Sakura gave a weak frown "Yeah I don't get what he's so worked up about!" She said

"You don't..." I replied looking at the two of them

" I replied looking at the two of them

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"Are you sure about that...?" I raised a brow at her

"I don't! He's all 'you're acting inappropriate I need a break' then he LEAVES" she expressed her side of the story

"Uh huh.." I slowly glance down to Naruto

Guess Sasuke was right they are a lot closer than I remember

But Sakura doesn't seem to see it somehow

"Well don't you think that maybe... he's got a point?" I asked

"What do you mean?" Naruto asked looking up at me

"Stay out of this" I held a finger up to him

"Ino don't tell me you're picking sides now?" Sakura put her hands on her hips

"Huh? I didn't say anything like that!"

Just then the late bell rang

"Come on Naruto we're going to be late to class" Sakura commanded as Naruto followed like a puppy dog

"Oh boy..."

This is getting creepy...

I gotta tell Sasuke- but wait then I'll be picking sides

But it's for sakuras own good?

This sucks!


Hope you all enjoyed 😌✨

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