Chapter 10

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Karins POV

It was hard to sit and mope with a set of eyes on you constantly

"WHAT?" I asked

"You look worse than usual. Maybe go easy on the makeup next time- " he rubbed my face in an attempt at smearing my eyeliner

"WHO ASKED YOU" I smacked his hand away

"Oh so you're going for that kind of clown look? Harley Quinn is in these days" he went on

I just crossed my arms and ignored him

"What? No come back?" He kept staring

I kept ignoring him

Suigetsu can be such a pain

"I'm sorrrryyyyy" he said in a childish tone Tilting his head towards me like a dog

He's so annoying!

"Would you just leave me alone already? I thought we weren't friends remember ?" I barked at him

He was taken back and looked at me with wide eyes then turned away to sit upright in his seat 

"Alright everyone get in your seats let's start today's class" our teacher came in and class started the same as usual

Only this time suigetsu kept to himself.

It was somehow even more irritating this way.

The bell rang and class was over suigetsu got up to leave first and I just so happen to be walking in the same direction.

The bell rang and class was over suigetsu got up to leave first and I just so happen to be walking in the same direction

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"What's this? Are you following me?" He joked


"And here I was scared we weren't friends" he gave me a goofy grin


"Oh so you want to be more than that hmmm I don't knowww"

"NO I DONT!" I went up to smack him but he grabbed my hand

"Are you trying to get suspended ?" He whispered

I calmed down and took my hand back slowly

"Aw look at that cute couple over there" we both snapped our necks in that direction to see Sasuke's obnoxious friend naruto

"WE ARE NOT A COUPLE" I yelled at him

"Come on suigetsu be honest" Naruto stuck his pinky out at suigetsu

What does that mean?

I look over to suigetsu who takes a moment to think about it

He then laughed and shook his head 'no'


They ignored me and kept laughing

Just then the late bell rang and we all scrambled to get to our classes

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