Daewi x Mira

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This part has officially been rewritten I hope you guys enjoy it

Mori, Mira, and Daewi delivered the

final hit against Mubong Park with

the help of other people too. But as

soon as they did that most of them

lost concious and passed out. The

people who where awake helped the

other people who were seriously

injured due to the intense battle

against Mubong.

As I regained concious I tried to move

but my whole body felt exhausted and

I was heavily injured. I stayed on the

ground for a few minutes before I

started to get up. It was difficult at first

due to my injuries but I finally managed

to get which felt like an eternity. As I got

up everything started coming back to

me. Then I immediatly realized that

other people needed help as well as my

friends and comrades. I started looking

around for any people that needed help

I saw some other people starting to help

the injured until I spotted someone. I

immediatly ran to them dispite my

injuries and when I got there I found out

it was Mori, who looked like he was

sleeping? He still had some some injuries

that looked really painful. I started to

wake him up and I saw that he was

slowly regaining concious.

"Aghh- oh hey Daewi how are you

feeling"     "Not well to be honest looks

like Mubong really did a number on us"

"Looks like it, anyways where is Mira

is she okay?"    "I dont know where she

is I woke up a few minutes ago and

started looking for people that needed

help but I found you here. Anyways can

you help me look for Mira, I am really

worried"   "Sure I'll help you look for

Mira but can you help me up first?"   

"Oh right, here" 

After Daewi helped Mori up-

"Ok lets go look for Mira now you got

left and I will go right, sound good?"  

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