Mori x Mira

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Ship: Mori x Mira
Genre: Fluff? Soulmate AU?
Parts: Maybe 2

Soulmates common in the world everyone had a soulmate. The way you would find your soulmate was on you 18th Birthday, you would get a half mark on your hand and when you found you soulmate you half would become into one full mark. Sadly some people dont find their soulmate and are cursed with bad luck but when you finally find your soulmate everything  goes your way.

When I was little I was always fascinated by soulmates I couldnt wait till my 18th birthday so I could meet mine. I always tried to imagine what mine would look or act like I was just very excited. Currently I am 17 years old and attending highschool with my friends Daewi who is 18 years old and he has already found his soulmate and is happily dating her and my other friend Mori who is the same age as me Mori was also very excited for his 18th birthday.

My birthday will be coming up in a few months and I just cant wait for it. Despite everything with soulmates and all those things the "popular" girls always have it out for the strong popular boy which include: Mori, Daewi, and a lot of other people which I am confused because they're destined to have someone with them but girls will be girls.

Mori was a big loveable idiot and I sorta had a bit of a crush on him because he was kind, strong, funny but im getting ahead of myself and I deny my feelings for him due to me meeting my soulmate soon.

After School~

Mori asked me and Daewi if we wanted to hang out but Daewi already had plans with his girlfriend so that left me and Mori. "Hey Mira lets hang out by ourselves we can go to the movies and go eat, what do you say?" "Sure" I say. When we went to the movies we decided to watch (movie of your choice) it was pretty popular right now so we decided to watch it. "Mira wasn't that a good movie I really enjoyed it!" "Yeah I did enjoy it but now im a little bit hungry" I said "Alright Im a bit hungry myself so lets go eat something at that barbecue place there *points at the barbecue place*" "Ok lets go" (40 mins later) when we finished eating we went home for the day I couldnt stop thinking about how much it felt like a date but I erased those thoughts and went to sleep.

Time Skip 4 months (Mira's Birthday)~

It was finally my birthday and I was so happy I am currently with my friends at my party and I just finished opening my gifts. There was still 2 minutes before 12 which is when my soulmate mark would appear. 1 minute before everyone told me that they would make sure no one broke my heart which I found cute because they were so overprotective of me. With 10 seconds remaining I closed my eyes to make it a surprise. When I heard my friends count down to 1 I opened my eyes and saw-

To be continued~
Hello everyone I will be making a second part also sorry for not posting in a while my health and mind hasnt been that good but I am back and I will continue writing these stories you can comment what you would like the mark to look like if you want to if not I will just make it myself. I will still be accepting request so if you wanna request something I will do it too. I hope you enjoyed and part 2 will be coming soon so until next time.


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