Mori x Mira Part 3

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Hello Dear Readers I Apologize for
The late chapter I had made the chapter earlier but my dumb brain forgot to publish it so once again I apologize and I hope you enjoy this chapter this is the last part for the mori x mira series so I hope you enjoy


2 Months Later (Mori's Birthday)

"Ughh" I groaned as I woke up. "What

Time is it?" I checked the time and saw

It was 9:30 A.M. and while checking the

Time I saw what day it was. It was

March 30 wait I realized it was Mori's 


(Keep in Mind that this is not

actually his birthday I just made up a

random date.)

Mori's Birthday. That means today he

will find out that I am his soulmate. I

am so Excited to tell Mori. I hope he

isn't Disappointed that I am his

soulmate. No Mira dont think negative

thoughts. Anyway let me call my friends

so we Can arrange and plan the party.

"Hey Guys" "Hey Mira" "Hello Mira"

After everyone finshed greeting

Eachother and planning the party

"Ok so whatever you guys do dont act

Suspicious around Mori, and we have

To get him to come over here so we can

Suprise him. So who is going to bring

Mori over here?"  "I volunteer Mira to

Do it."  "Ok, anyone have any objections

Against it, No? Ok Mira it is"  "Ok I

Guess, I think we are ready now lets

Start with the decorations or else we

Are never going to finish" "Ok guys lets

Get to it" 

Aftet setting up the decorations

"Ok Mira go get Mori over here"  "Ok

Ok im going" Ha now I need to go get

Mori, hopefully its not to hard to get

Him to come over here, Oh wait there is

Mori over there. "Hey Mori" "Oh Hey

Mira how are you doing"   "Im doing

Good how about you" "Oh thats nice

well im doing Good as well"  "Thats

Nice" Ok Mira nows the time to get him

Where the others are. "Hey Mori would

You like to go on a walk with me?" It

Sounds like a date....wait What Am I

Thinking, No Mira nows not the time to

Think like that. Oh god I really hope he

Says yes. "Oh Sure I would love to go on

A walk with you"   "You would? I-I

Mean ok!"

They continued to walk together with

Mira leading Mori to the place where

His birthday party was set up.

"Hey Mira where are we?"     "Come

Here let me show you something" "Ok?"

They entered the building

"Mira its too dark I cant see anything,


There was a bright flash due to a light

Turning on out of no where


"What you guys did this for me?Thank

You so much!"    "Well what are you

Waiting for its time to celebrate!"

They continued to celebrate Mori's

Birthday by eating cake opening

Mori's presents until the time came

For Mori to get his soulmate mark

"Alright Mori its almost time to get

Your soulmate mark just a few more

Seconds, you excited?"  "Yea im

Excited to see who my soulmate is"

I really want it to be Mira... No Mori

Stop dont do this especially not right

Now.   Oh gosh its almost time just a few

More seconds and then Mori will find

Out im his soulmate I cant wait!

"5....4....3....2....1"      I looked at my

Hand and saw my Yeoui and Mira's

Bongseon clashing  "Wait does that....

Mira your my soulmate?"     "Yes I am"



And hugged Mira I was so happy Mira

Was my soulmate.    "I am really happy

Im your soulmate I promise to make

You happy for the rest of your life"

What Mori did next shocked me even

More. He kissed me. It felt so unreal but

So good at the same time I never

Wanted it to end. We ended up pulling

Apart after a few seconds. Forgetting

About everything in just that moment.

"Uhh guys you do realize we are still

Here right?"   Our faces both turned

red and We all ended up laughing it all

off. One Things for sure is that this will

be a day To remeber from now on.

How was that? I really hope you guys enjoyed the chapter again I apologize for being dumb and forgetting to publish it. The soulmate series had ended here so I really hope you guys enjoyed how it turned out. Next I will be doing a Mori x Ilpyo fluff story that was requested I think it will be like a sick fic story but idk also thank you for the reads I never expected to get so much because I suck at writing stories but thank you I hope you guys have a wonderful day


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