Chapter Thirteen

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Paw steps thundered through the tunnel leading to the Moonpool and Birdpaw turned around, startled, to see Whiskerstar and Flowerstem burst through the entrance, their pelts brushed and eyes wide. Whiskerstar swung his head around and Flowerstem's green eyes met Birdpaw's blue ones, before the medicine cat tapped the grey tabby tom on the shoulder with her white-tipped tail. The tom spun around and visibly relaxed when he saw the apprentice, though stress was still in his blue eyes.

"Why did you run away from us like that?" demanded the grey tabby tom, "you had both of us worried sick! Seeing claw scratches through the moss on the floor and you nowhere to be seen? We through you had been taken!"

"Calm down Whiskerstar," soothed the medicine cat, looking at the tabby, "she is okay, aren't you Birdpaw?"

"Yes," replied the tortoiseshell and white apprentice, nodding, "I just needed fresh air." She felt slightly guilty at not telling the medicine cat and leader the "dream" she had, but an instinct inside her felt like she shouldn't tell them, especially since Whiskerstar was one of the cats in the battle. The medicine cat nodded, though the grey tabby didn't look so convinced, his eyes slightly narrowed. Birdpaw squirmed under his stern gaze, shuffling her paws.

"Did you get your nine lives?" asked the apprentice, eager for a subject change.

"Yes," replied Whiskerstar, though he still seemed a little tense, detecting that his apprentice was not telling the truth. Birdpaw's pelt prickled with the awkwardness in the air as Flowerstem glanced up at the sky, which was a deep blue with the moon slowly sinking.

"We should better get back," said the brown and white medicine cat, "before dawn and before the AutumnClan patrols go out again." Whiskerstar nodded, taking the lead of the patrol with Flowerstem and Birdpaw falling behind, tension still hovering in the air.

The forest was a whole lot more quiet at night, barely any birds sang and no prey scuttled in the leaf litter. The apprentice's pelt pricked with unease and she expected a fox or something to jump out at her. However, as they crossed through AutumnClan territory, nothing did, apart from a big fat rabbit that Whiskerstar wouldn't let Birdpaw catch, putting her in bad mood for the rest of the night.

When they reached SpringClan territory, Birdpaw relaxed, curling up in her nest in the apprentice den, sleep overwhelming her.   

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