New Beginnings

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Every story has a happy ending.


At least that's what I was taught when I was younger. I used to doubt it. I was known as an outcast at my old school. They knew me for my weird interests with animals. When people heard this, they thought I was being picked on for being an outdoor kid. Soon enough they would agree with the others when they learn about my collection of dead animals in my backyard. They weren't pets in any means. At least not my pets. Something about beheading a rabbit and burying it's corpse a few feet under brought thrill.

I was shut out. Did I care? No. But it still hurt. Fortunately, I was given a second chance when I moved to my new school a few months back. The school was a lot more welcoming. I've learned from past mistakes. No one knows about all the dead bodies I have kept deep under ground. I don't know why the animals were such a big deal to all the people at my old school. It wasn't like I was murdering humans.

At my new school, I've found myself safe with my friends Sam and Ant. They and the entire school know me as this sweet, wholesome boy who wouldn't dare touch a fly. I guess some of it was true. My personality was very distinct to my interests. Even with that, these people don't know that. I'd run the act until he bores me.


It was Wednesday morning. I wake up cold, this morning felt off. I felt drained without the day started. Something was up. I try sitting up, the only thing that happens is finding myself laid back down on my back. My arms felt numb.

Something was stopping me. There was a deep gut feeling. Telling me something - warning me? There's nothing wrong though. Wednesday to me was one of the best days of the week. Wednesday represented the meaning of pure mediocrity to me. So why was today so abnormal?

"Stupid body," I grumble to myself, forcing myself up. As I do, my blood freezes over. A chill takes over. Internal, I felt nippy. The sweat beading on my forehead contrasted this. Out of anger, I hit myself on the thigh. The reflexes jump back. "Why are you acting like this?" I ask myself, wiping my forehead.

At once, I'm standing. From across the room I see my reflection come from my mirror. I looked sick. I tilt my head, my reflection follows.

Maybe I should just stay in. I don't look too well.

My mind fought. There was obviously something going to happen. In the end, it was my choice. I doubted anything supernatural would happen. One side of my mind told me something life changing would happen today. Nothing told me whether it was in a good or a bad way.

Curiosity kills the cat after all.

I push away the superstition, grabbing clothes to change into. From my drawer, I pick out a white hoodie with peach sleeves. The outfit not only went along with my soft and innocent facade, it also helped hide my discomfort. The only pants that seems to go with the outfit were a pair of black, baggy, high-waisted jeans. Wasn't one of my best outfits but it would have to do for today.

From my desk chair, I grab my backpack. I search in my drawer, choosing one of my disguised pocket knifes. The casing was a baby blue, the design seemed so incorrupt, no one would suspect anything. I hide it in one of the pockets of my backpack.

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