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This was not what I expected. At all.

There I sat, against a wall in an almost empty classroom where I watched as Zak and Willow argue as if the two were about to get a divorce. Just like an actual arguing couple, there was no fair communication. There was yelling - only yelling. It went on and off, switching between the two, the topic being their old life at their previous school.

"Oh yeah?!" All of the sudden, I hear a loud thud after Zak yells that. I look up to see a table knocked over, inches away from Willow's feet. My gaze trails off of her feet and the table and go up to Willow's face in where her bottom lip is quivering rapidly. I notice she looks back at me, and bites at it before looking back at the other angered boy. Both her jaw and fists were clenched, maybe to show she's tough but I saw it as a 'don't-cry-don't-cry' type of thing.

After heavy observation on Willow, I know what I need to know. So, I move on to Zak. He was getting very fired up. He started to take his anger out on objects in the classroom, but his anger was well contained. Just by body language, he was clearly not having it. Eyes hooded, heavy breaths and a fast moving chest where the breaths would go in and out. "What was that whole TP prank then?! What made you think it would be a good idea to wrap toilet paper around all my valuables, huh?!"

Willow kicks at the table, it not even moving in the slightest. "You were always a total bitch to me! It didn't feel like you ever loved me, and there was no point in any of it! Our relationship was a total waste of time and I didn't any of the drama carried here, alright?" 

Zak didn't seem to be having it. I look over an there sits another girl next to me. Her name is Sydney. She's there because I'm there. Arranging this meet with Zak and Willow, Zak wanted to bring me so Willow wanted to bring one of her own friends. Her hair is long, thin and black. It brushes down to her waist which reaches even lower when she's sitting. Currently, in this moment, she's wearing an oversized purple hoodie, fiddling with the drawstrings of the hood itself.

She looks back over her shoulder facing me. She offers a weak smile along with a wave before turning back to Zak and Willow. I do the same, eyes locking on my furious friend and the way he yelled. There was something there. Something telling me that maybe I shouldn't be there.

I don't listen because I don't feel the need to.

"That's why we broke up! Because I didn't - and when I told you that, you went mad! I want nothing to do with you! You ruined my life after you spread those rumors, why did you think I wouldn't have needed to move?!" Zak argued, his voice not lowering.

"You used me. What was I to you? A boost for your reputation? Don't forget, you asked me out. If you didn't love me, then why? For an ego-booster that I didn't reject you? For your reputation? I don't get it," Willow sighs feebly.

There's a moment where everyone in the room goes silent. Still, you're able to hear the slight scrunches of cloth as Sydney is still twiddling with parts of her hoodie.

Zak's gaze shifts away from everyone else in the room, breathing in and out through his mouth rather than his nose. "I did. I did love you. But it didn't last, and I tried to show that to you so you would break up with me yourself, but you didn't. You drew it out, hanging onto the relationship, even though you knew. I knew you knew. Instead, when I finally built the courage to do it myself - You. Go. Insane."

There's an uneasy tension between to two, it gets uncomfortable when my stomach too is acting up. I curl my knees up to my chest, where I let my head ease. With shut eyes, I start to make mental notes about things that happened in that classroom so I would be able to project my thoughts on it. One of my ears fold, making some of the noise stuffy and blurred out. There's a similar feeling that I feel in the moment - much like the feeling I felt the first day I met Zak. It strengthens when Willow talks or when Zak's voice raises.

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