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I throw my towel to the floor, curious and hopping into bed, phone in hands. I'm laying on my back, phone held high above my face.

I closer inspect the notification and later find out it was sent around 7 minutes ago. Seeing how recent it is, I'm hesitant to accepting it so fast.

Just wait a moment - I don't want to come off too strongly.

I try to distract myself, pressing down onto the home button, I'm met with tiles of apps. I scroll through, trying to find one that'd help pass the time. Another notification comes up. It's from Sam.


Hey Darr :)

We haven't talked in a bit

I answer almost immediately - it was a good enough distraction for the meantime. Plus, ever since I've met Zak, I've felt a heavy distance between Ant and Sam.


Sorry I've been busy lately q-q

It's fine

What have you been up to?

Have you been keeping head out of drama ?

I've seen you hanging out with some problematic people lately

Him referring to Zak as 'problematic' put me on edge. Knowing Sam, he just needs to know that he isn't problematic to side with me. I feel the urge to defend Zak, explain to him that what's going on isn't just drama. But, I decided it's best to not start an argument - not with Sam. I find it fit to express my bickering moods with Willow.

So I toughen up, ignore Sam, and add Willow back. Her response is almost immediate. The second I add her, three gray bubbles pop up and animate a shake across the screen. The text is immediate - it reading, "Hey , wondering if we could talk."

Willow Gardener

Hey , wondering if we could talk

Sure owo

What's up?

The easiest thing to do throughout the conversation was to keep on the character - no matter how messy it gets.

btw how did you get my acc



But she has nothing to do with what I want to talk to you about

I know you , Bad , and I don't want you to side with the wrong person

It was obvious she was using the nickname since whenever someone uses it on my, I tend to feel closer and comfortable with them. But it wasn't going to work this time. I always kept my morals, knowing what was right or wrong, so I knew my position in this was in the clear.

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