32: Doubts (pls comment at bottom)

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this is kinda just a filler chapter cause there's more to come I needed kinda a time jump

"I am going to be a horrible wife", Avery cried on the phone as Nolan wanted to grab the phone and talk to his sister. It had been a day since the last rehearsal of the rehearsal happened and the second she-devil made a concerning speech, at the rehearsal and now Avery spent the last moments before her real rehearsal freaking out.

"Tyler loves you because of who you are, because of your personality that he fell in love with", I tried calming her down as she just kept crying over the phone. Nolan still tried to fit for the phone from my hand as he chased me around the room.

"Tiffany said what was true I don't deserve him and I deserve to be single for the rest of eternity", she cried into the phone as I heard the words she had probably replayed in her head a million times.

"Tiffany is looking to get her ass kicked, huh?", I joked and she let out a laugh that I hadn't heard all morning as I tried to calm her down. Nolan looked at me with a concern for his sweet sweet Tiffany.

"You really think he won't regret marrying me", she asked me sincerely, and I could tell Tiffany's words had really gotten under her skin.

"He loves you, don't listen to what Tiffany says, okay? And besides in one day we'll be too drunk to think about it", I told her and she agreed, still doubts filled her mind. She hung up the phone and I sat there so confused what had been going through Tiffany's mind when she had said those things about Avery at her bachelorette party a couple days ago.

"Something happen?", Nolan asked as I didn't want to get started on the defense of Tiffany.

"No, no everything's fine", I went to the bathroom to wash out my eyes as I felt my words wash over me.

"What did Tiffany do?", he asked inciting what was about to happen.

"That speech she said last night has had Avery riled up for all of this morning and last night, how could Tiffany even say that?", I asked him.

"And people even clapped at the end", Nolan joined in after coming to his state of consciousness about just how bad Tiffany was to everyone, even Alec convinced him.

"I really wish she would stop before she causes damage that neither one of us can fix", I tell him and he nods his head as the door to our home rings and I run to open our elevator door.

I peeped through the hole and looked through as I saw Caroline. I swung the door open as she hugged me fast.

"I just came by to walk you through tomorrow, I'm so excited, but I have a cooking class in an hour so I will give you the speedy version", she squealed as she put up her easels and pulled out her books, and books of planning.

"How did you do all this?", I said in excitement as she pulled out books after books on the table. Caroline had quit the assistant job at Nolan's company, because she had no clue what she enjoyed. She didn't want to be at a job that she didn't love what she was doing, so she set out to find what she loved hence the cooking classes and pottery classes she took last week.

"Well this is what happens when you don't have a job", she said still annoyed, it flustered her that she couldn't find her passion, something she really enjoyed doing. Her last resort was to go back to working for Nolan, he promised her the job, she was the best at that job.

"Have you ever thought about writing?", I asked maybe thinking she could go over some of my writing and maybe she'd find an idea along the words.

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