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S:" Suguruu~~ lemme whisper to your ear your dare~~"

G:[sighs] ... Fine. "

S:" Hihi... Come closerr~"

Getou came closer, and Gojo whispered:
"kiss me"

G:" Wha-"

S:" On the li- *hic* .... On the lips. "

G:" Satoru you are drunk. Let's continue at morning. "

S:" Su-gu-ru~ mmm... Are you seriously gonna end this game right now? When we just *hic* started? "

G:" ... "

S:" Come onn~~ it's no fun.. "

G:"... "


G:" .... Fine.. "

He's not going to remember anyways...

He closed his eyes and giggled

S: "hihi... I'm readyy... "

Getou gave him a soft kiss on the lips

S:" Mmhmm... "

G:" Are you happy? "

S:" one more"

G:".. Alright "

S:".. One more"

G:".... Okay"

S:" one more "

G:" this is the last one. "

S:"... "

G:"happy? "

S:" Heh-hehe.... Yeah... *hic*

G:" Go to sleep"

S:" Mmm.. Can I sleep in your bed? "

G:" You have to go to your room. "

S:" Don't wanna... "

G:[sigh] "Fine. But only this time. "

S:" Yeah yeah... "

G:" Good night. "

S:" Good night~"

G:" .... "

S:" Suguru... "

G:" M? "

S:"... I liked it.. Your lips. Your kisses. "

Those words made the other blush a little.

[Next morning]

Uhh... Where am I? Who am I? Ah, yes. -ST

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