plans on this night

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S = Satoru Gojo
G= Suguru Getou
I= Shoko Ieiri
U= Utahime

After eating breakfast, Gojo made sure to thank chefs for the food, which made their day better (they said it themselves)

And after that, they went to look around the island they were on.

S:" it feels like I'm in Greece, it's so warm. "

G:" Satoru, you dummy, in Greece they don't have these kind of buildings. "

S:" ah, right "

G:" but it sure is warm"

S:" yup! Let's buy new clothes! "

G:" what. Again? "

S:" I want a new shirt "

G:" ... Hm, alright "

S:" hell yes! "

G:" but you will buy one yourself. "

S:"... Alright.... "

G:" don't pout, I'm not gonna always pay for you "

S:" .. Why not though"

G:" heey... "

S:" alright, right, you're right "

G:" ... Look, the view from here is pretty "

S:" woaahh!! The sea is so beautiful too! "

G:" Mmm... "

S:" the sun is making it more pretty~"

G:" you're right. "

S:" let's take a pic! "

G:" sure "

After taking a selfie, they started heading to the big hill.

Walking close to each other, Gojo noticed that their hands were really really close, just about to touch.
So he touched Getou's pinky with his, which after the other grabbed his hand and they walked holding their hands.

S:" theehee! "

G:" what is it? "

S:" nothing~ I'm just happy "

G:" that's good "

S:" m! "

G:"... "

Gojo saw how the other smiled a little, and asked:

" are you happy? "

G:" eh? I am. "

S:" it doesn't look like it "

Getou x Gojo Where stories live. Discover now