Larry-Zitate #2

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· Kapitel 25 || Larry-Zitate #2

Erstmal meine Theorie zu dem Grücht, dass Larry sich heute outen: Am Valentinstag 2012 waren sie ja zusammen in Paris und ab dem Tag hatte Harry den Ring am rechten Mittelfinger. Das wiederum bedeutet bei schwulen, dass sie in einer Beziehung sind.

Somit wäre heute ihr Dreijähriges und es geht darum, dass etwas großes passiert (siehe Bild). Naja, Daumen drücken und hoffen... Jetzt gehts aber los:

The best Larry Stylinson quotes von Forever young love 1D bei Facebook (ich hab das einfach nur kopiert und das gelöscht, was bei Teil 1 davon schon dabei war):

Harry « I met you in the toilet »

Louis « I remember »

Interviewer « One thing you look for in a potential girlfriend? »

Harry « If you can hold a conversation with HIM»

Harry « My first real crush was.. Louis Tomlinson »

Louis « Harry's beautiful, I think he's always wonderful »

Interviewer « Harry you live with Louis right? »

Harry « Yes »

« Would you rather be with one of these guys? »

« No »

Interviewer « Haven't you had a crush during the show? »

Louis « Of course, I fell madly in love with Harry »

Harry to Louis « When I fell for you »

Interviewer to Harry, pointing to his neck « Did somebody kiss you there? »

Louis « I gave him it »

Interviewer « He's gonna dump you, he's gonna come this way »

Louis « Dammit, gonna have to split the bed »

Interviewer « Who's single out of you guys? »

Niall « Two are together »

Louis « Who would you like to be your valentine if you could have anyone in the world? »

Harry « You »

Harry « I was hoping he was going to say our skiing holiday that we shared together »

Louis « Oh sorry Harry it was great as well »

Interviewer « If you were stuck on a desert island.. »

Harry « I'd take Lou »

Interviewer « If you could snog any artist in the world who would it be? »

Harry « Adele »

Harry to Louis « Sorry »

Louis « Its allright »

Interviewer « If you could snog the other members of One Direction who would it be? »

Harry « I'd snog Louis »

Interviewer to Harry « When was the last time you kissed a girl? »

Liam « When was the last time you liked it? »

Louis « We try not to disclose too much about our relationship to the public »

interviewer « Do you guys snog on the tour bus »

Harry « Yeah »

Louis to interviewer but watching Harry « Behind closed doors something else goes on »

Louis « Management had banned us »

Liam « You haven't met our management »

Management « Take that bit out »

Louis « Thats going to come out »

Die nächsten sind von tumblr (

"When I'm sad I go to Harry's bed. He's like a handkerchief of tears, and when you caress his curls, you feel better." -Louis

"Living with Harry has it's benefits. He gives good massages, he cooks well, and he constantly says 'I love you.'" -Louis

"Me and Louis are like an old married couple." -Harry

"Harry's great at giving hugs. Any day that I feel like I need a cuddle, I'll knock on Harry's door and give him a big hug." -Louis

"Until I find the right girl, I have Louis." -Harry

"I love all the lads but, Harry is my best mate." -Louis

"Louis is worse than my mum; he's always gives me kisses and touches my curls." -Harry


Ich hoffe, dass das erstmal reicht. Euch allen einen Happy Forever Alone/Valentine's Day ❤


Lg, eure Forever Alone-Livi

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