Wenn Larry/Larries Siri wären...

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Kapitel 67 || Wenn Larry/Larries Siri wären...

Mir ist die Idee zu diesem Kapitel gekommen, nachdem ich mir das Video an der Seite angesehen hab. Es ist echt mega lustig, also schaut es euch an!

Da ich keinen Plan hatte, wessen Namen ich nehmen soll, wird immer Y/N (your name) dastehen.

Viel Spaß!


Y/N: Hi Siri! I've got a date today. What can I cook?

Siri: Chicken stuffed with mozzarella cheese, wrapped in parma ham with some homemade mashed potatoes.

Y/N: Thank you, it sounds great!


Y/N: Hey Siri, do you love me?

Siri: I have loved you since we were 18

Y/N: Awww


Y/N: Hi Siri! May I ask you something? Who was your first crush?

Siri: My first real crush was Louis Tomlinson.


Y/N: Hey Siri, what's the time?

Siri: Not that important.


Y/N: Siri! Guess what I am doing at the moment!

Siri: Trying to walk.

Y/N: No?! I'm listening to the new One Direction song! It's literally per-fect!


Y/N: Hey Siri! I need a cute quote that I can message my boyfriend/girlfriend!

Siri: Always in my heart


Siri: I'd marry you, Harry

Y/N: Who the f*ck is Harry? I am Y/N!!

Siri: I'm not allowed to talk about it, but i gotta tell you.

Y/N: What are you talking about, Siri?!

Siri: I have a secret.

Y/N: Okay.. tell me.

Siri: I'm gay, it's pretty unfortunate, isn't Eleanor?

Y/N: My name is still Y/N, not Eleanor..


Y/N: Hey Siri! My girlfriend is pregnant/I am pregnant!

Siri: Even as young as you are?

Y/N: Yes! It's gonna be a girl! How can we name it?

Siri: Noel, Georgia Rose or Diana.


Y/N: Hi Siri! I need a cool dance move to impress my friends!

Siri: Pat the dog, screw the lightbulb.

Y/N: Uhm.. what?


Y/N: I lost my sunglasses! Do you know where it is?

Siri: Next to you.

Y/N: Thanks


Y/N: Oh my god! I love *Name eines Jungen/Mannes* so much!

Siri: Who wouldn't love him?


Y/N: I'm sooo bored. What can I do?

Siri: Let's just f*ck again.

Y/N: What are you talking about?!

Siri: Tell me will you ever f*ck me again?

Y/N: No, why?

Siri: I have f*cked you since we were 18


Y/N: Hi Siri! I want to go on a trip. Tell me some nice cities or countries.

Siri: P Town


Y/N: Hi Siri. Me and my boyfriend/girlfriend are in a relationship for five years now. What can I do to surprise him?

Siri: Aww that's beautiful! Five years and still going strong!

Y/N: This is not the answer to my question.

Siri: I think I would write them a song.

Y/N: Great idea! Thank you so much!


Y/N: Are Louis Tomlinson and Eleanor Calder in a relationship?

Siri: Not anymore, Simon.



Y/N: Hi Siri.. I want to break up with my boyfriend/girlfriend because he/she cheated on me. But I love him/her so much! What shall I do?

Siri: I want you to do whatever makes you happiest in the world.

Y/N: But what did I do wrong? Am I to ugly?

Siri: Baby you're perfect.

Y/N: Aww thank you. Do you want to say anything else?

Siri: Larry is real.


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