into the unknown part 2

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(AN:well shit I've been neglectful... sorry about that everyone! anyway! On with the story!)


I dabbed the cloth soaked in rubbing alcohol over my wounds and tried to hold in my rasps of pain. I knew that if anything... he was waiting outside the door, and I never wanted him to hear me in pain. I didn't want him to see me hurt, vulnerable, and weak. I knew he would internalize my pain, and then I would have to see that horrid pained look in his eyes. 

I was not sure what hurt more... my wounds... or the distant agonized look in Jericho's eyes. I wanted to crawl away. I wanted to crawl into my dark little room with a ghost girl, and never come out. I wanted to forget about everything because now I was not sure what to think. Jericho was still Jericho. He was a wolf when I met him... I just didn't know it. He was that over barring, charming, and radiant guy I had gotten I know one of his greatest secrets.

Ash dropped me off in front of my house around 10:30. I used the back door and slipped in without making a sound. I knew the Paterson's were asleep, but I didn't want to risk it. By some miracle, I was able to make it to my bedroom door with very little noise. I slowly shut the door and locked it without nothing more than a slight creak. Looking down at the door knob, I thought about everything that had happened today. I leaned my head on door and sighed out.

Jericho- it hurt to think about it. He had accepted me for what I was without hesitation, yet I couldn't do the same. Then again, the werewolf pill was a hard pill to swallow.

"Avery!" I was ripped from my thoughts by a whisper in the dark. Turning on my small lamp sitting on my dresser, I saw Angela staring at me with large, concern ridden eyes.

"are you alright? I'm so sorry." She came up to me and wrapped her arms around me in a tight embrace- granted I couldn't feel her , but the gesture was nice. When she pulled away her face was contorted with an overwhelming amount of emotions. Fear, worry, dread, and compassion... and so many more. She looked as if she was going to cry, but god knows she wasn't capable of that anymore.

"It's not your fault- none of this is," I told her. She shook her head while rubbing her eyes. "no-I-just wish I could do more, but I can only do so much. As your keeper I - I just keep failing you."

"you being with me is enough." I tried to reassure her. She forced a smile and shook her head. "still you don't deserve this." She said in a whisper.  

I stared at Angela for a long time, and recalled her words from that one afternoon,

"You need to trust him." her words echoed in my head as I realized something, 

"Jericho... did you know?" I asked here firmly. 

"honestly, I did. I should have told you, but it just didn't feel right. I don't think he'd want you to find out that way."

"Well, I don't think he wanted me to find out like this." I said, referring to the events that conspired hours before.

"I..." Angela let out a long sigh. She remained silent for a moment, as if she was gathering her thoughts.

"I'm not sure what to say, other than I'm glad you're safe." She finally said. 

"yeah..." we sat there in a solum silence for what seemed like ages. I could tell there was a question, rattling around her head, but she looked hesitate to ask. Eventually she asked the words I dreading to here,

"What are you going to do?" Her question scared me to be honest. Because in truth... I didn't know. I knew what I needed to do... but whether or not I was capable of doing so.... that was where I was unsure. 

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