Rest in Piece to God's 26 New Angels

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  • Dedicated to The victims of the Connecticut massacre

I apologize for this not being a chapter. I usually have a witty and joking tone in my writings. However not this time. 

Last Friday I came home for winter break. This is my first year at collage so I was so exited to come home. Usually at church they have a small "welcome back" homecoming party for retuning University students, and on Sunday was mine. We were in high spirits I was coming home for Christmas with gifts wrapped and the town was decorated. 

Not this Year. 

On Friday every single flag in town was raised at half mast. There were 26 small angels on windows, walls, doors, fences and even hanging in trees. Black ribbons and flowers decorated my town with signs that said things along the lines of "we remember" Why?

On that Friday- halfway across the country- 26 people died at an elementary school shooting. Although my  town is on the other side of the country we still mourn and honor God's children who were ripped from this earth. 

20 children were killed, most of them in first grade. These children most likely were chattering happily about what they wanted for Christmas or if they had written Santa a letter. They were probably simply learning arithmetic when that first shot was fired. These small Innocent children had no Idea that they would soon be part of Satan's arithmetic. I had a horrible thought of what if my five year-old sister's name was on the list of victims. 

My heart mostly ached and twisted for the families. As that child's gift lays under the tree this year- never to be opened. That parent won't be able but to wish their baby was there. There will be 2 missing stocking from fireplaces and 26 bedrooms frozen in time. 26 more gravestones. And 26 individuals with uncompleted lives. 

When my little sister who is five asked my mom why their are so many angels my mother told her "because God has 26 angels" Sophia looked at her with big eyes and was to young and innocent to understand what all this meant. My heart broke further when she simply replied,

"I can't wait to meet them! Do you think they'll listen to my prayers?" 

When she said this I intently was taken back to a little seven year old me who was given the same answer and in return gave the same reply. The last time my town looked like this the date was September, 11, 2001. I then realized how similar things were. 

An Human being with a weapon with the potential to do good does the opposite. 

Innocent lives taken in an unexpected place. 

Ultimately caused by a dispute of individuals. 

The only difference I found was instead of never being able to begin the new school year, these children would never see New Years Eve. 

Rest in Piece to the victims of the Connecticut Elementary Massacre. Might God be with our Country during this time of mourning. 

So this Christmas please be thankful for your loved ones and remember the value of human life. As you say your prayers please pray for the families who where torn apart on December, 14, 2012. 

Merry Christmas 

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