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         I had somehow ended up sitting inches away from Jericho in the the math room. He had asked me to tutor him for the test to day but honestly I had never planed on studying. Now his hand was next to mine, I could feel his breath tickling my skin, and our faces were only inches apart. I took all my senses not to grab his face and start furiously making out. But I wouldn't not after what Angela said. Territories? Me? What were they talking about? Then there was Ashlin, had she really seen Angela? 

         "Hey how would I do this problem?" He asked me. I stared down at the book. I brushed my finger over it and a vision rushed threw my head. 

         "Oh, well you would use sin-1, cos-1, tan-1, and then once you have the angles you would-" I was cut off him brushing his finger over my forehead and pushed my bangs to the side. 

        "Sorry it's just..." He trailed of as he rested his forehead against mine. His lips came closer to mine and I closed the gap in between us. His lips were as soft as they had looked. His hands rested on both sides of my face and brought me closer. I rapped my arms around his neck and brought us closer eliminated any space. I felt him nip my bottom lip. What was that for? I ignored it and continued to kiss him. His hand squeezed my waist and I gasped. His tongue darted into my mouth and explored every inch of my mouth. I didn't know what to do! I pushed away and blushed. 

        "I-I don't know how to kiss." I said sheepishly. He tilted my chin up so I met his eyes. 

        "Your so cute." He chuckled. I felt my face get warmer and I got up. 

        "I think you'll do fine on the test." I said as I walked out of the room. I whipped away a stray tear. I felt him grab my wrist. 

        "Avery what's wrong?" He asked me as he pulled me closer. His eyes searched mine hopefully. 

        "I shouldn't get involved with you." my heart ached as I could see his heart sink.  God I'm such a bitch!

        "Why not?" He said with a shaky voice and the most pained look I have ever seen. 

        "I don't know how to handle it. I don't know how to keep or make friends. I just don't belong with your crowd. I belong in the girls bathroom where I eat my lunch every day. I belong in the library after school reading about entomology ,not at a pep rally or a school dance."  I shook his hand off and started running down the hallway. I wanted to get away before he saw my tears. I ignored him calling my name over and over again. I went into the bathroom and slammed the stall door shut. I sat down on the toilet and started crying. I hate them! I hate my family! If it wasn't for them and theses stupid powers I would acutely have friends. I could have stay next to Jericho, I could be normal. I thought back to our kiss. For those few second I could feel my powers dim and the chattering of thought cloud away. It was like he shields me from my own abilities. It felt nice. It felt warm when he touched me. I'm tired of being alone! As soon as I turn eighteen I'm leaving this God forsaken town and moving somewhere quiet and far away. I will leave everything behind, Terrance, Cathy, Ben, and even Jericho. My heart ached for some reason when I thought about leaving him. I hated how he made me feel powerless. However I loved how he made me feel wanted. I heard the bell ring and dried my eyes. I then walked to class. 

        When I walked in I locked eyes with Jericho. Memories of our little encounter flooded into my mind and I instantly blushed. I walked to the empty seat that was far away from him. The teacher wasn't in the room yet thank God because I was a few minutes late. I heard the sound of a shifting chair and then foot steps coming near me. 

       "Move." The all too familiar voice said. The coward next to me ran away instantly.

       "What did you mean you 'don't know how to handle it'?" Jericho asked me. His warm breath traveled down my neck and set my senses running wild. 

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