part three: sandwhich to the face

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"Dad, you know when you see someone..." I paused, looking up at the ceiling with an exasperated look on my face. "And their face is alone is enough to make you wanna stab yourself?"

My dad, who was trying to work and watch tv at the same time, looked away and turned towards me. "Jesus, did you get into a fight with Ashton?" He asked me and I shook my head.

"No, Ashton and I never fight," I told him. "It's just that every time I see Calum Hood, I feel like I want to stab myself."

My dad let out a laugh. "What did that boy do to you?" He asked me. Besides Ashton and Lauren, my dad was my third best friend. He had always been there for me, because he was the only constant in my life. We were extremely close as you could imagine.

My dad had done an excellent job at raising me in my opinion. I knew it wasn't easy for him, even when he pretended he didn't have bad days. It was also awkward, especially when I went through puberty and my dad had to drive to the store to get me pads since I couldn't drive when I first got my period. He always said he didn't mind, but I still felt so bad about it.

Of course I had earned myself a sex talk at the age of fifteen and that was even worse than getting my period at thirteen. And of course the sex talk don't go smoothly. Preferably because my dad showed me how to put on a condom on a banana. I couldn't eat a banana for two months without cringing.

Anyway, point being, I adored my dad and I told him everything. So that's why I was telling him about Calum. I hated talking about Calum, but I couldn't stop. It was like word vomit.

"He's one of those people that no matter what he does, it just annoys you. Like he blinks and I get annoyed," I huffed.

"You're so funny," my dad said. "That's called a crush, honey. You have a crush on him."

I made a disgusted sound and he proceeded to poke my side repeatedly until I slapped his hand away. "Don't you ever say that!" I groaned. "He's not even cute." Lies!

"Honey, I'm a straight, grown man and even I'll admit that the Hoods have a very nice looking son," my dad replied and he shrugged when I gave him a confused look.

"Well, good for you, maybe you should be his biology partner," I scoffed, leaning back on the couch and looking at the tv.

Just when my dad was about to say something, my phone went off and I reached over for it on the coffee table.

Unknown Number:

ay baby u comin over 2day

I knew exactly who this was. "Jesus, he even types like a fuckboy," I whispered to myself, my eyebrows pulling together as I stared at the message. I replied, telling him there was no way I'd be going over to his house and that he was coming over to mine.

I refused to go over. God knows he'd probably try and pull some shit.

"What was that?" My dad asked.

"Nothing, dad. I have to work on my project now," I told him and then grabbed my backpack, taking out my books.

"Alright, sweetie. Well, I'll be in my office," he said, kissing the side of my head and then left the room.

A few moments later, Calum appeared out of nowhere and I looked up to see him standing by the front door. I stood and gave him a confused look.

"How nice of you to knock," I scoffed and he shrugged, dropping his backpack on the floor and then throwing himself on the couch.

Calum ran a hand through his hair, obviously not caring. "Honey, just be happy I even showed up."

I rolled my eyes and sighed heavily, deciding not to say anything back and fought the urge to kick him for calling me honey. "Right, let's get started then," I said instead.

"I'm hungry, can you make me a sandwich?" Calum asked me and I nearly dropped my book.

When I looked at him, he was completely serious about his question and I glared at him. "Are you kidding me?!" I exclaimed. "I'm not making you anything!"

Calum whined, stomping his feet on the floor. "But I'm hungry, please, Kara," he begged, pouting and giving me what I guessed were puppy eyes.

I pointed a finger at him. "Don't do that," I snapped at him. "If you want a sandwich so damn bad, make it yourself. I'm not your slave."

Calum got a grin on his face. "I know something else you could be my slave for," he said quietly, sending a wink my way.

"Ugh, don't be gross!" I shouted and threw a pillow at him, hitting him right in the face.

He laughed and got up, walking over to the kitchen like this was his house and I could hear him going through the cabinets and refrigerator from where I was sitting.

I sat there and flipped through my textbook, humming some song and then moments later, Calum returned. With a sandwich, a can of soda, and a bag of chips. I glared at him yet again.

"I said you could have a sandwich not our entire kitchen, damn!" I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest.

"I told you I'm hungry!" He whined and sat down. "I had practice today, leave me alone."

I snorted. "Oh, right. I'm sure rolling around in singlets with other dudes leaves you with a huge appetite." I must have said it pretty loud because I could hear my dad laughing and I ended up laughing as well. Calum gave me the dirtiest look.

"Go to hell," he said and it just made me laugh harder. I knew I had gotten him good and that amused me. Suddenly my laughter came to and end when Calum threw his sandwich at my face.

My eyes widened and my mouth dropped a little, the realization of him throwing his sandwich at my face setting in. Of course Calum found it hilarious and he turned into an absolute fit of laughter. I had never had a sandwich thrown in my face so I didn't know exactly how to react.

I did, however, get up and walked over to Calum, who was still dying of laughter and punched his arm. "I'm telling my dad," I whispered harshly and Calum stopped laughing.

"No!" He shouted and practically ran after me when I started to walk out of the living room. "Don't tell your dad," Calum said as he grabbed me from behind and started pulling me back into the living room.

"Ew, get off!" I whined and tried to push him back, but well, it really was no use. He had a good hold on me and I couldn't get out of it, no matter how much I tried to wiggle out of it. Damn him and his wrestling "skills."

Calum chuckled behind me. "Ooh, your ass is rubbing up against my d--"

"Hey, Kara," my dad called, interrupting Calum's nasty comment, and I could hear him coming to the living room. "Uh," my dad said as he walked into the room. Calum was still holding on to me and he immediately let go when my dad crossed his arms over his chest.


"Are you two misbehaving?" My dad asked seriously, but I could see the amusement in his eyes.

"He threw his sandwich at my face, dad!" I shouted and pointed at Calum.

"Yeah, I can tell. There's lettuce on your face," my dad laughed, pointing to my face.

"She was being mean," Calum said, crossing his arms over his chest and looking away from me.


My dad cut me off. "Behave," he warned us before walking out of the room.

When he was out of ear shot, Calum leaned on the back of the couch. "You do have lettuce on your face," he pointed out and began to reach up, but I slapped his hand away.

"Go pick up your stupid sandwich!" I snapped before walking out and heading towards the bathroom.

However, I still heard Calum laugh and mumble something about me being cute when I was angry.

I told myself over and over that I didn't like him saying that about me.


a/n: writing this is so fun omfg

thank you so so much for 1k wowowowowow

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