part two: partners

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It was Tuesday morning during second period when I decided that I hated Calum Hood. It wasn't because of his dumb comments every five minutes through out the lesson and it wasn't because he kept kicking the back of my chair. He was annoying, but it wasn't something I couldn't handle.

The day started off pretty normal. I got up, got ready for school, had breakfast, Ashton drove me to school, and then I went to class. Ashton was my best friend, but unfortunately for me, he was a year older so he was graduated and in college already. It sucked that we weren't in the same school anymore since he was basically my only friend, besides Lauren, but it was okay because I got to see him all the time anyway.

But this wasn't the point. The point was that I had biology class with Calum and he sat behind me. That was just the way our seats were assigned. We were currently discussing the body systems when our teacher said, "I have an assignment for you all. You will give an oral presentation to the class on a body system of your choice. A power point or a visual of some sort is required as well. You will need to put together a small quiz and hand it to the class. You'll work in partners of two, which I will be assigning."

The entire class groaned and I just sat there, doodling on my notes. I didn't really care who I got paired up with as long as they worked and didn't make me do everything. So I sat there patiently waiting for my name to be called as I kept doodling.

"Hey, partner," a deep voice whispered by my ear. I scowled and turned around, facing Calum. He had a smirk on his face.

"What the hell?" I whispered back.

Calum laughed quietly, crossing his arms over his chest. "Didn't you hear, babe? We're partners," he said and gave me another smirk. I wanted to slap him.

I furrowed my eyebrows and turned back around, raising my hand.

"Yes, Kara?" My teacher asked.

"I'm sorry, I didn't hear, but who is my partner for the assignment?" I asked, hoping Calum was just joking around with me.

My teacher looked down at some paper that was set on his desk. "Calum Hood," he said loudly. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. This was not happening. I didn't deserve this! I was a good person!

I looked back at Calum, who was smirking yet again. I knew that this wasn't going to go well. I didn't like Calum. We weren't even friends anymore. He didn't care about his grades unless it was wrestling season and wrestling season didn't start until next year.

So I turned around with my pen and paper in hand so that we could get started on some things, but Calum had no intention to get to work. Instead, he slouched in his seat and took out his phone.

I gave him a glare, even though he was looking down. "Are you kidding me?!" I groaned and snatched his phone out of his hand. "We have work to do!"

Calum rolled his eyes, trying to reach for his phone. "We have like two months to get this project done, chill," he said. "Give me my phone!"

"No!" I snapped and ended up throwing my notebook and pen at him. "You're not gonna fuck me over and not do anything for this project. We're both going to work on it. You-"

"Kara, put your phone away," my teacher snapped at me, causing a few heads to turn my way. "Learn from Calum and start taking notes for your project."

My mouth dropped and I could tell Calum was holding back a laugh. When our teacher left, I reached over and punched Calum on the arm, but all I really felt there was muscle and hated myself because his arms felt and looked really nice.

I glared at him and handed him back his phone.

After class ended, I grabbed my things and then left the classroom and I practically ran away when I heard Calum shouting my name. I really didn't have the patience to deal with that boy right now. Or ever. Whatever he wanted could wait.

"Kara!" A voice shouted and I recognized it as Lauren's. "Why the hell was Calum Hood shouting your name in the hallways?" She asked as we entered the lunch room and then got in line to get our food. I really was not in the mood to talk, much less talk about fuckboy Calum Hood.

Still, I couldn't ignore Lauren and not talk to her. "Oh, we're just partners for this project in class," I said with an eye roll, crossing my arms over my chest. I was already annoyed and it didn't help when two freshmen decided to cut in line in front of us.

I was about to say something when Lauren beat me to it. "I know you little shits didn't cut in front of us," she snapped, tilting her head to the side. "Back of the line, freshies," she ordered and they didn't even think twice about it, probably because they were both tiny. When they walked away, Lauren turned to look at me again. "Anyway, back to Calum Hood--"

I groaned as we grabbed our lunch trays. "Lauren, the last thing I wanna talk about is Calum Hood," I whined as we then began to grab our food. "He got me in trouble today!"

Lauren laughed as she overflowed most of her tray with french fries. "Why do you hate him so much anyway? It's like even the sound of his name makes you want to vomit."

"I don't hate him," I told her with a scowl and she gave me a flat look. "I'm just not particularly fond of him, alright?"

"But didn't you guys used to be friends? What happened?" She asked as we looked around for a plate to sit down at. "Oh my God, it's like in those fanctions I read all the time! Where the main characer totally hates the boy, but then said boy totally seduces her and then they frick frack."

I gave her a confused look as we found a place to sit. "What the fuck is a frick frack?" I asked her and ended up laughing at the words.

Lauren looked up and just before she was going to explain the term "frick frack" to me, her eyes settled on something behind me. "Don't turn around, but Calum is looking at you."

"Ew," I said and continued eating. If he came over here, I would probably sock him in the face because I didn't like anyone messing with me. Especially when I was eating.

But of course, he did. Of course he came up behind me and brought his lips down to my ear. "I'll see you after school, partner," he whispered by my ear and then proceeded to kiss my cheek.

"Ugh, you're disgusting," I groaned, pushing him away and of course he laughed as he walked away.

Lauren was laughing as well when I looked at her. "He knows how to get under your skin," she said with a smirk on her face.

"What did I do to deserve this?" I whined. "I'm a good person! I don't deserve to be terrorized by the school's number one fuckboy!"

"Oh, shut up," Lauren laughed. "You love it."

I gave her a fake smile and then pretended to stab myself with a fork in the neck. "That's going to be me after school."


a/n: wooooooow it's been so long since i update this but i didn't expect you guys to like this as much as you did

im sorry for taking so long im horrible

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