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It's almost time for the welcoming ball. Houses and nobles from across Europe have gathered in the large ballroom. Alexandra has just finished getting ready and looks at the gown that she requested from the seamstress earlier that week. A servant finishes off the look by gently placing a tiara on her head.

Beatrice smiles, "You look gorgeous my dear. If only your mother could see you today."

Alexandra admires the dress in the mirror

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Alexandra admires the dress in the mirror. She has worn countless gowns in her lifetime, but there is something breathtaking about this dress...it's just perfect.

"The gown is beautiful, thank you."

The seamstress curtsies in response and leaves the room.

"Oh, how exciting! A lively ball! So many handsome princes to fall for!"

Beatrice pretends to swoon and Alexandra let's herself roll her eyes, "I'm not living in a fairytale, Beatrice."

They both link arms and start their way to the ballroom, "You say that now, but I was young once. One smile and you'll be head over heels!"

A certain face flashes in her mind, "Not this time."

They approach the large double doors and they stop and face each other. Beatrice holds her hands. She can hear the crowd of royals just behind the entrance.

"At least try to have fun tonight, whether it's with a prince or not."

Alexandra puts on a smile, "You're right...I'll try my best."

They share a hug before Beatrice leaves. Jane walks up ready to help the Princess for her entrance. Alexandra faces the large doors and takes a breath. She looks up with her 'Princess face' and signals the doormen.

The doors open and a flood of light hits her. She takes a few steps out onto the top stair landing. Though they refer to this as the ballroom it is definitely not a 'room.' It's more of a grand hall if anything. It's the largest space in the castle with magnificent chandeliers and other decorations covering the room. Alexandra looks at the crowd. Eight houses and their entourages look up at her.

From her point of view it looks like a sea of expensive fabrics and gold jewelry. The most powerful kingdoms on the planet staring at the heir to the throne that everyone wants. She looks back forward and begins to descend the marble staircase.

Servants hold the train from her dress and Jane holds her hand, guiding her down the steps. Like she was trained growing up, she analyzes the faces of her fellow royalty. Most wear an unbothered expression, but she knows what they're all thinking.

She's as beautiful as a flower.

But flowers are fragile and the Princess will not be fragile. The crowd splits like the red sea as she walks to her chair. There used to be two, but now the king's chair sits lonely on the elevated floor. In a rehearsed movement the servants holding the train of her dress, disconnects it and scurries away. Jane let's go of Alexandra's hand and she turns to her guests, eager to hear what the lonely princess has to say.

"Your graces and your highnesses. I thank you for joining my father's kingdom for this cherished event. Please allow yourself to enjoy this week to celebrate our long upheld peace across Europe. My father always loved celebrations and he would've still wanted this festival held in his absence. So with that...I would like to officially commence The Peace Festival!"

The crowd bursts out in cheers at Alexandra's exclamation. George, the royal adviser, steps forward next to her.

"Princes of the royal houses! Come forth, for Princess Alexandra will lead the first waltz!"

Young men walk forward confidently as the crowd recedes. The moment everyone was waiting for. Who will the future queen choose to dance with? Alexandra herself had been dreading this all day.

Seven princes stand just below the elevated platform. Alexandra's face remains stoic as her mind scrambles for who to choose. She scans the men before her when she suddenly stops on two. Their appearance struck her with curiosity. They both wear black satin with extravagant chains draping across their torso, but that's not what stopped her. Their hair is blue. One lighter, one darker.

They must be French.

She's heard rumors of the French developing a dye that is popularly used on hair, but she's never seen it herself. She looks at both of them trying to decide. Suddenly the dark blue one smirked, as if to say 'choose me.' Her curiosity got the best of her.

She whispers to George and he echoes her command, "Jisung of House Gramont!"

The princes bow respectfully and move back into the crowd. Alexandra doesn't miss Hyunjin's look of jealousy. The room goes silent as the Princess walks down the steps to the prince. He holds out a hand and she takes it. He leads her to the middle of the ballroom floor as the orchestra gets ready.

They turn to each other and stand ready for the waltz. She hides her nervousness when he places a hand on her waist and the other delicately holding her hand.

"Are you ready Princess?"

His French accent spills out confirming her suspicions. She puts on a fake smile.

"Ready to get this over with."

He raises an eyebrow. The music cuts through the silence and like second nature the two begin to waltz. They move in sync gliding around the room. Being royalty automatically forces you to become a master at ballroom dancing. Soon others join them in the partner dance and the room's attention comes off them.

Alexandra racks her brain for information on the man she is dancing with. Jisung of House Gramont: reputation for being sly and mysterious. He has a fraternal twin, Felix, the two together nicknamed "Deux Opposés". The brothers are said to be complete opposites.

"I hear your in need of a King, is that true your, highness?"

His voice is low, making their conversation more intimate without prying ears. His eyes seem to pierce straight to her soul, compelling her to respond.

"Only so I can take the throne, I am fully capable to rule alone."

"So I've heard."

"Do you hear a lot of things your, highness?"

He chuckles, "Isn't that how I should be? Always listening, but never revealing my true intentions?"

"You sure are doing a poor job of appealing yourself to be king."

"Who ever said I wanted to be your king?"

Alexandra doesn't respond. She conceals her suspicion, she can't get a read on him. He smiles slyly, his eyes darkening.

"We all have strategies, Princess. We have to if we want to survive among the houses."

Her heart beat quickens in anxiety at his words. The song is about to end and he dips her.

"Be careful. We all know what everyone hungers for."

He looks up and Alexandra follows his gaze to her fathers empty chair.

He lifts her back up and before she can respond he backs away and bows, "I enjoyed the dance your, highness. I hope to speak to you more this week."

He smirks like he did at the start and seems to disappear into the crowd. Alexandra feels her chest tighten from anxiousness. She'll have to keep an eye out for that one.

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