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Victoria was quite exhausted this morning.

"Try to keep still Jeongin, you're bringing attention to yourself."

And the new established prince was a nervous mess.

He adjusts in his seat, "I'm sorry your highness."

"No need to call me that. We're family now. Call me Alexandra."

"A-alexandra. Oh god, it feels so strange to say." Jeongin leans on his arm rest with his head in his hand.

Alexandra gives him a reassuring pat on the back. His tense shoulders relax slightly.

"You'll get used to it."

"One point for red team!"

The two look towards the field holding the Polo game they had been watching for the past hour. Cheers come from the stands on either side of Alexandra's royal booth. Six of the prince's compete in teams of three. George told her that this was organized by the houses to impress the future queen. Alexandra though, did not care whatsoever about how well one could play polo.

Hyunjin had declined to participate, instead he sat in the stands close to Alexandra's booth. Every once and awhile she would glance over and see the prince staring intently. Eyes constantly shift around her, as if he wanted something to happen so he could swoop in as her knight in shining armor. She doubt's she would be attacked so publicly.

"One point for blue team. Blue team is declared the victors!"

The houses in the stands cheer again as servants run to the field to take the horses. The prince's dismount and approach the grass in front of the booth. Alexandra descends the steps, her pale blue dress seeming to emit a soft glow in the sunlight. Another servant stands next to her, holding out his arm that carries gold medals. She thinks it's quite ridiculous that she's rewarding these men for winning one game of polo, but ridiculous ceremonies come with being queen. She nods to the announcer and he clears his throat.

"Princess Alexandra will now award our victors with the Hanover Medal!" She grabs the first medal, "Prince Minho of House Castro!"

She steps forward before Minho and he grins. His hair sticks to his forehead, the sweat making his skin glisten in the morning sun. Alexandra maintains her composure, holding up the medal. He tilts his head down and she places the medal around his neck. He stands up straight and winks. She hides her reaction behind her royal mask. She smiles politely.

"Congratulations Prince Minho, you've represented your house well."

"I play often in my free time, I hope you were impressed, princess." He bows slightly.

She curtsies and moves onto the next prince. She notices the glare directed at Minho and smiles in amusement to herself. She got to pick the teams and she found forcing these two to work together quite funny.

"Prince Seungmin of House Olivares."

Seungmin's scowl is replaced with a charming smile when Alexandra approaches him. She takes the medal and places it around his neck. Before she can retract her arms, he gently takes her hand placing a kiss on the back of her hand. Her heart beat quickens slightly. She's not sure she'll ever get used to that.

"Congratulations Prince Seungmin, you've represented your house well."

"Only the result of much practice, princess. I hope to share more talents with you in the future."

Bow. Curtsy. On to the next.

The sight of light blue hair and freckles sends a warmth through Alexandra. Interesting how one's aura can have that effect on a person.

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