Election Day 2016

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Words: 380

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Words: 380

Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader

Summary: Reader is Steve's significant other and he asks you to go with him to the polling place for the 2016 election and vote together. (Completely bipartisan, no mention of actual politics I promise! :D Just something short and fluffy to get us through this nail biter of a night.)

"Hey, Doll!" You looked up from the stack of t-shirts you'd been folding to see your boyfriend towering over you

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"Hey, Doll!" You looked up from the stack of t-shirts you'd been folding to see your boyfriend towering over you. He was wearing his usual disguise of a baseball cap and fake thick rim glasses. He tilted his head downwards and dragged his glasses down his nose so that he could see you better with his cobalt blue eyes. He bent at the waist to kiss you on your cheek.

"What a pleasant surprise! I thought you guys were going to be out of town for another day." You couldn't help but smile. It was always nice when Steve got back from his missions early. It helped balance out the times when things ran a little longer than expected.

"We were supposed to be, but Bruce and I wanted to make sure we got back in time for everyone to vote." He pushed his glasses back up to the top of his nose and shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans.

"Vote, for President? I'm sure everyone is just dying to get out there to do that." You smirk.

"You'd be surprised" He insisted. "Sam and Rhodey already headed back to DC. Clint and Natasha sent their write in votes weeks ago. But Tony, Wanda, Bruce, Buck, we're all registered to vote here in the city. Which is why I dropped by. I was wondering, were you by chance planning on voting today?" He seemed nervous, almost afraid of your answer.

"Are you kidding me? It's like the biggest election of the last twenty years. I was planning on going when I got off work at five." You promised.

"Oh good." His shoulders visibly relaxed. "Listen, Tony arranged this sort of publicity stunt thing where we all go and vote together. A bunch of news crews are going to be there. He says that if people see that Iron Man and Captain America vote it might inspire them."

"That's a great idea. I think Tony's right. You guys could inspire a lot of people."

"I think so too." He agreed. "Pepper is going with Tony, and I was hoping...that is...will you come to the polls with me?"

"Of course Steve! I can't think of anything more patriotic than voting for the next American President with Captain America himself."

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