Wedding Day Rescue

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Word: 797

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Word: 797

Pairing: Steve Rogers & Reader

Prompt: "You're invited to my wedding!"

"No! No! No!" You couldn't help but punch your steering wheel as you felt your rear tire go flat

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"No! No! No!" You couldn't help but punch your steering wheel as you felt your rear tire go flat. "Not today." Normally a flat tire wouldn't be much more than a minor inconvenience, but today was different. Today was supposed to be your wedding day. You'd just had your hair done at a salon you hadn't been too since your high school prom. Your layers and layers of locks has been pinned and curled into just the right places to form something resembling elegance. There were plastic flowers and butterflies tucked into the curly loops, adding to the decadence of the look. You had to fight back tears so that you didn't ruin your make-up too. It was bad enough you were going to have to wreck the masterpiece that was your head currently.

You reached for your purse and dug around until you found your cellphone. Maybe your dad or your fiancé could send someone to help you so that things wouldn't be completely destroyed. You clicked your home button, but to your dismay the screen didn't light up. You tried again and a third time. When nothing happened, you threw your phone onto the passenger's seat. It bounced off the cushion and flopped to the floor of the car. You stared at the phone and listened as the rain hurtled itself down against your vehicle's exterior.

"Rain on your wedding day is supposed to be good a luck," You sighed as you glared down the dead device. There was a light tapping on the window, you spun to see the cause and hoped it wasn't a serial killer.

Instead it was a man. He was large, probably about six feet tall. His arms were almost as large around as your head. He had probably only walked from his car to yours, but his clothes were already soaked thoroughly. For a split second your fight or flight instinct kicked in and you thought this man had come to kill you. But as you looked back at him in terror, you realized you recognized him. You rolled down the window and had to shout out over the rain.

"I'm sorry, are you Captain America?" You squinted, sure your eyes were seeing wrong.

"Yes, ma'am. I am." He offered you a weak smile. "It seems you're having a bit of car trouble."

" noticed that?" You asked him stupidly. "Yeah It seems I have a flat tire. There's a jack in the back, I was just about to..."

"Now what kind of a man would I be if I let a bride change a tire in the pouring rain on her special day?" The Captain asked with a tilted head. "Hang tight Miss, I'll get it taken care if. I suggest you roll your window up, It'll keep you dryer.

"Oh wait you don't have to..." But it was too late he had already walked back towards his own car. It didn't take long for the captain to change your tire and return to tap on your window once more.

"Go around!" You ordered, waving to the passenger's seat. He obliged, letting himself into the other side of the car.

"I apologize, I'm soaking wet." He said as soon as he sat down.

"No, it's alright, you're my hero!" You assured him. "Seriously you saved the day! It would have taken me forever to change that tire and my hair would have gotten all wet. Here!" You reached into the back seat where you always kept a blanket and wrapped him tightly in it. "So, Captain, is this what you do now? Hang out on highways looking for damsels in distress?"

"No." He smirked. "No, I've been away for a while. I was on my way back to the city when I saw you stuck here. And please, just Steve is fine."

"Okay Steve. I'm [Y/N]." You couldn't stop yourself from grinning. You were now on a first name basis with an Avenger. "So, I know you said you were on your way back home, but I have to repay you for this. Come with me. We'll feed you a nice hot meal and I'm sure someone can offer you some warm dry clothes."

"Oh no that's really not necessary." Steve held his hands up modestly. "I couldn't impose on such a special day."

"Steve, I'm sorry but you can't save a bride on her wedding day and not expect to become friends." You insisted. "Now you're invited to my wedding whether you like it or not, not attending would just be considered rude. And you'd really be letting the bride down."

"Looks like my hands are tied." He smiled at you. "You lead the way and I'll follow behind you in my car. Deal?"

"Deal." You smiled.

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