Just Run

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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader

Prompt: "It will kill you." "Only if I die." + "This is no place to die."

"What could you guys possibly be doing up at 4am?" You yawned when you walked into the kitchen and saw Steve, Bucky and Sam sitting at the breakfast bar guzzling coffees

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"What could you guys possibly be doing up at 4am?" You yawned when you walked into the kitchen and saw Steve, Bucky and Sam sitting at the breakfast bar guzzling coffees. You had an excuse for being awake at that time of day. Being the lab assistant to Bruce Banner and Tony stark for the past few years had totally destroyed your sleep schedule, but you didn't remember ever seeing anyone else around that time of night.

"They're going for a run." Bucky explained with a grumble.

"A run? Like for fun?" You asked reaching for the coffee pot. It seemed there was just enough of the rich brown liquid for you to make a cup of your own.

"Not exactly fun." Sam shrugged. "But gotta keep in shape somehow." He bent down to make sure the laces on his shoes were tied tightly.

"Why don't you join us, [Y/N]?" Steve offered.

"Don't do it, [Y/N]!" Bucky exclaimed, getting up from his seat. "It will kill you."

"Only if I die." You joked. "I haven't gone running since High School. You know that thing where they have you run around the school a bunch of times to see how fast you can do a mile? The Captain America Fitness Challenge."

"Yeah, these two fossils have no idea what you're talking about." Sam laughed.

"I feel like everyday I find out they went and named something else after me." Steve rolled his eyes. "Don't let Buck scare you off." He added clapping you on the back. "A run would be good for you."

"Okay." You nodded. "I'm in. Let me put this in a to-go cup and change my shoes. Are you coming too, Bucky?"

"Nah." The winter soldier shook his head. "I've been up all night, I'm going to bed."

You each bid Bucky a "Good Night" or "Good Morning" before heading out the door. Steve led the way to a circular dirt track in the back of the Avenger's expansive acreage. You, Steve and Sam positioned yourselves between the lanes, separated by thin white stripes which someone had carefully painted on the ground.

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