The Parents' Points Predicament

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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader

Prompt: "Couples receive "parent points", which they can use to purchase their children. Most parents wait for a few thousand, but you chose to buy the cheaper, 100 point child."

"This is crazy, [Y/N], you know that right?" Steve asked you

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"This is crazy, [Y/N], you know that right?" Steve asked you. He was waving a thick stamp book in disapproval.

"I know." You nodded. "It's not exactly how I imagined starting a family either. When I was growing up kids were still made the old-fashioned way." You offered up a flirtatious wink, but it went unnoticed as Steve continued to leaf through the overwhelming stack of parent point coupons in his hand.

"It just doesn't seem fair." He frowned. "We only have so many points because we're famous. That doesn't make us better parents."

"I always wondered," You mused, taking the parent point coupons out of his hand. "If they'd had the points system when I was born, how many points would I have been worth?" Now it was your turn to flip absently through the stamp book, trying to add the number of points up.

"I would have been a 100 point kid for sure." Steve assured, leaning against the kitchen counter.

"You?" You looked up and raised an eyebrow at him.

"Oh yeah." He nodded. "You forget all of this," He paused to flex his own bicep. "It's from Erskine. Before the serum I was scrawny, I had asthma, I was sick all the time."

"I guess I just forgot because you never really talk about it. We don't have to do this you know." You tossed the coupons down on the counter. "We could just give the points to someone else, people do it all the time."

"But it's the only way we can have kids now and you've always said you wanted kids." Steve reminded you. "If we give these away or turn them down, you might not get another chance..."

"Well, what do you propose we do?" You asked.

"Let's go build our family, Doll." He walked over to you and kissed you on the forehead.

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