Chapter Twenty-Three

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Zayn's POV

why do I keep losing him? why did I say that? I need to take care of Safaa. "hey." Florence says as I come out of the bathroom. "bye." she scoffs and stops me. "I know you and Niall are dating, but if you want him to stay safe," she pauses and looks around, "date me." I punch her straight in the face. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!" she screams as my blood boils. "Office now!" Mrs. Austin yells pointing at me. "SHE THREATENED NIALL!" I yell. her facial expression softens. "i'll check cameras. Go to first period." she demands.

I go to my locker grabbing my math book, English book, science book, geography book, and, biology book. I run to math class and open the door. "you're late." Mr. Adams says. "Well I'm still here." I sass. he clears his throat and continues teaching. Harry isn't here so I sit beside Niall. I tap my desk three times to get his attention.

"pss. Niall. pss." I whisper at him. "niall." I say a little bit louder. he turns his head to be fast. his expression looks annoyed to see me. "meet me at your locker after class." he shakes his head. so I stand up. "why don't we do a project on this if we all are failing." I suggest. "that's actually a great idea Mr. Malik." I sit down and turn to Niall. "I hate you."

"then why did you kiss me?" I ask smirking. "shut up." he's blushing and pouting. I furrow my eyebrows at his sadness. "you alright?" he doesn't look alright. "you cheat-" he stops his sentence and squeezes his eyes shut. "Niall?"

"headache." he grips his head and holds on to the desk. "Mr. Horan is everything okay?" the teacher asks like he cares. "it feels as someone is stabbing my head. do you have advil?" the teacher goes behind his desk and pulls something out. "here." he says giving him two advils. "weak." someone comments beside him. I scoff at him. of course its Blake.

Niall takes out his water and takes the Advil's. "Don't you have to tell the doctors?" he shakes his head and swallows the water. "its fine Zayn. Just leave me alone." I nod and look back at Mr. Adams.

* * *

soon math is over and we will do a project tomarrow on math. I go to Niall's locker and he's sitting beside it. he's on his phone.

"I found someone else." who's he talking to?

"Don't talk or touch Zayn and I'll do it."

"Okay." his voice cracks at the end.

"yeah. as long as you don't hurt Zayn." he hangs up and closes his eyes. "Niall?" he looks at me wide eyed. "what-"

"Nothing." he quickly says. he's lying, I know that look. "well can we talk?" I sit beside him and he looks in my eyes. I look back into his beautiful ocean eyes. he starts smiling and blushing, so he looks down at his fingers. I put my hand on his knee and he looks back at me. "I'm sorry." what? why is he sorry?

"what? you have nothing to be sorry about. I'm sorry." he starts biting his lip. "stop." I groan and he laughs. "I knew it would work." he laughs. he stops and pouts.

"you still cheated." I turn his head facing me and grab both of his hands. "I will never, ever cheat on you Niall. I love you to much, you're my everything. I only did because I couldn't find myself, I was hurt, and broken without you. I love you Niall and I'll never hurt you." he kisses me and of course I kiss back.

I hear high heels walking down the hallway but ignore them. "Horan, Malik, get to class." we jump away from eachother blushing. I clear and throat and nod. "you're so soft with me." Niall teases. "come on baby." I offer my hand and he accepts. i help him up and we go back to class.

we get into English and get weird stares. Mrs. Beck isn't in here yet. "looks like Zayn's gone soft." that's when i lose it. i let go of Niall's hand and go to Samantha's desk. i slam my hand down and grab the caller of her shirt. "Just because I love a guy doesn't mean I'm soft. don't be a homophobic bitch." i let go of her caller and everyone is staring. "Love?" Calum scoffs. "weak." he continues. i throw his desk and shove him against the wall. "say that again. i dare you." i say sharply. "I-i'm sorry." he stutters, "good." i let him go and turn around.

Niall is on the floor laughing. "of course you pick the weird, useless, gross, ugly new boy." someone says behind me. Niall gets up and looks embarrassed. i bite the inside of my cheek and turn around. "what did you just say?" i ask Luke. "You picked the weird, useless, gross, ugly, new kid." he says raising his eyebrows.

I run over to him and start punching his ugly, homophobic face. "ZAYN STOP!" niall yells pulling me away. there is blood on my fists and his nose, mouth, and forehead is bleeding. i turn around to him and he's staring at me. his eyes are glassy. "Niall." i cup his cheek but he slaps it off.

"Don't even start with me! You're lucky a teacher isn't in here!" he shouts. everyone is quiet and staring at us. "can we take this somewhere else Niall?" he laughs with no humor. "why can't we here?" he says with a fake smile. "I didn't want you hurt Niall!"

"So you hurt someone else?" he's right.

"Yes! I hurt them because the expression on your face was horrible! I can't bare you like that! And your making this a bigger problem!" i yell at his face. his eyes start getting glassy. "we're over. I'm done with you Zayn." he walks out of the classroom. i stand there frozen.

"I'll get the principal." ashton says trying to clear the tension. "oh come on lad! Niall is stupid anyways." Blake says.

"Shut up! You don't even fucking know him! If it wasn't for him i would be dead! fucking dead!" i hear the principal come in but i ignore her. "Niall is my best friend and i love him! I can picture a future with him! I want to fucking grow old with him and if you can't accept that then you aren't a real friend! And all i want is to tell him i love him, but I cant." i finally calm down and start crying. "I can't because of my mistakes. he checks up on me, cares for me, and nobody has before. H-He always helps me and I'm losing him. I'm losing him because of me. I just wish you could understand love. Because if you love someone you won't let them go. And you don't get mad if they are with someone else and happy. I've lost him before in middle school and i don't want to again." everyone is staring at me, even the principal.

"so i'm sorry for hitting you. I just can't see Niall hurt." Mrs. Austin comes over to me and hugs me. "That was beautiful." she lets go with a smile. "we won't punish you anymore. But your teacher will." she says. i nod and ask her. "Can i get Niall?" she nods and i run out. Its only 10:00 a.m.

I won't let you go Niall.

~Authors Note~


I hope you liked this chapter, vote if you want. comment your thoughts. ttyl;)



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