12 - Texts

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Rowan Blanchard

hey noah

whats up?

how's college?


how's school?

good so far
do you want to get lunch
some time to catch up?

um yeah sure
im free Friday night


hey sorry about the groupchat thing
and not including you and Peyton
ive been feeling guilty about it

its fine no worries
we just drifted apart after
the show ended

yeah but still

im sorry about you and Sabrina
breaking up

its fine done worry
we're just friends

have you been talking to Peyton?

not really
after the show ended he and I havent talked
but I did run into him at the movie theater
once with some of his friends
he seemed to doing well for himself
do you still talk to him

from time to time
are you still in contact with
the cast?

oh yeah our friendship is still going strong

thats good

okay gotta go
see you Friday

yeah see ya


hey guys
rowan just texted me

really what did she say?

Corey 😤

thats so random

I know
she wanted to go out for lunch
I guess to catch up

Corey 😤
thats kinda weird

yeah I guess

what did you tell her

I said yes
I havent talked to her in so long I felt
like it would be rude if I said no

Corey 😤
let us know what happens during lunch


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