51 - Holidays

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The holidays were around the corner and Noah, Frank and Grace went back to Boston to celebrate Christmas and New Years with their family.

Noah forgot how cold it got in Boston.

He made sure to pack warm clothes for the trip.

His grandmother picked him, Frank and Grace up from the airport and took them home

They had dinner that night before going to bed.

Noah woke up the following morning and got ready for the day.

He and Grace went to the mall to go Christmas shopping for a bit. They had bought a few things at Black Friday but they wanted to buy a few more things for their friends and family.

Once they were done, they went back home and began gift wrapping their gifts.

"Hey, Noah, can you go get me coffee," Frank said.

"Yeah, sure," Noah said, getting up from the floor.

He and Grace were gift wrapping the things they bought in the living room.

"Can I come?" Grace asked.

"Yeah, okay," Noah nodded.

"Hey, hey, hey, clean up the gift wraps before leaving," their grandmother said.

Noah and Grace both nodded and cleaned up the mess they made and threw it in the garbage before heading out. They got their grandmothers order too and called their aunts to see if they wanted anything.

Their aunts and uncles and cousins were on their way and Noah assumed they probably wanted coffee as well.

Noah and Grace headed to the coffee shop and ordered all the drinks.

It was a struggle to get the drinks to the car but they somehow managed. Grace had to hold onto some of the drinks on their drive back home.

They got home to see the house filled with their family members.

They greeted them hello and gave them their drinks.

The gifts that Noah and Grace bought weren't in the living room anymore.

"Hey, Dad -" Noah began.

"I hid them in your room," Frank said.

Noah nodded.

"What about Grace's -"

"Your room too," Frank said.

He nodded.


"Uncle Scott!" Noah said smiling.

Scott opened his arms for a hug.

"Hey!" Noah said, hugging his uncle.

Frank turned around to talk to Shannon, one of Noah's aunts, Frank's sister.

"Hey," Scott said.

"Long time no see, buddy," Scott said, smiling.

He let go of Noah.

"Yeah," Noah said, laughing nervously. "Sorry, I've just been really busy."

"I bet," Scott nodded. "You go off to Europe and you come back with little to no time for your own uncle."

"Hey, I go to Dad's house every week for lunch," Noah said. "Why haven't you been coming?"

"Yeah, Frank," Scott said, getting his brothers attention, "why haven't I been coming every week for lunch at your place?"

"What?" Frank said with a smile on his face.

"Noah said that he comes over every week for lunch," Scott said, "why haven't I been coming?"

"I just assumed you've been busy," Frank said. "And you've said you're busy yourself."

"Hey, I always have time for family," Scott said.

"Well, alright," Frank said, "then come over every week."

Scott smiled.

The following day, Noah and Grace finished gift wrapping their gifts to their friends and took the gifts and shipped them to where their friends were staying at for Christmas. 

Christmas rolled around and Noah work up really early. The family came over before breakfast to begin opening gifts together.

Noah mainly got clothes, books and stuff for his apartment.

After opening gifts, they all had breakfast and spent the entire day at home, watching Christmas movies and spending time together.

When New Years rolled around, they threw a small New Years party with a few neighbors and friends in Boston.

They stayed up till midnight and watched the fireworks set off in a distance.

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