Story update + Pokémon Xenoverse?!

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Hi guys! Welcome back to another random chapter!

I thought now would be the right time to give you all a bit of an update on the story, as well as talk about a topic that I've been digging into a lot lately!

So, first of, the story. I haven't written in a while, I update my story like every few days, but progress has been a bit halted. This has been due to work for college, my own desire to be more productive, writer's block, as well as Pokémon Xenoverse.

However don't worry! I haven't lost my will to write, on the contrary, I am very excited to write more. I have just had a lot to do lately, and I've decided not to waste a lot of my time during the day, so I only write now and then when I have a lot of time anyways. But there will be an update soon!

Now, to the exciting part! Pokémon Xenoverse. I already made a post about this on my discussions page, but damn, you really HAVE to play this game. It has everything you want:
1) It has challenges for people who like hardcore battles and struggles.
2) It has AMAZING writing for people like me who like the story and the dialogue.
3) It has awesome character designs, as well as character arcs.
4) It has an amazing region, with lots of different cultures, nature as well as cities.
5) It has awesome puzzles and gym designs, making the characters really come to live and making the Gym Leaders waaay more memorable.

6) It has new Pokémon AND a new type, Sound type, which at first I was cynical of but it's actually a lot of fun and adds fun new dynamics to the game, similar to when the Fairy type was introduced!

7) It even has romance, for all those people who... like that. Like everyone!

8) And there's the music! Ahhh, the music. I'm pretty sure, no, 100% sure there has never been more variety in the music in a Pokémon game, ever! Almost every Pokémon center has a different tune, every route has a different variant of the Pokémon battle theme, and so on. Sure, there are no ABSOLUTE bops like the Gladion theme, but like... there's only a few people working on this game, so cut them some slack. The music is still amazing, and as I said, the variety is limitless!

The only thing I don't really love about this game are the original Pokémon designs (I like some of them, but most of them can be a bit weird). I like the new forms of already existing Pokémon though. I'd go more into detail, but I don't want to give spoilers.

Also, the postgame is a bit lacking... I feel like you don't really get rewarded for being the champion, it's just 'bam you're the champion!" And then a bunch of collecting and catching quests but no real interactions anymore, which is sad for me because there were so many cool characters that I'd love to talk more to.

I guess that's everything I don't like! Also, I have to say, the evil team is genius! They're hilarious but menacing at the same time.

So please guys, play this game! This is not sponsored or anything, I just genuinely think this is... probably my second favourite Pokémon game, behind Sun and Moon and Platinum just because Sun and Moon and Platinum have so many memories for me. If not, this would probably be my favourite Pokémon game of all time, and it's fan-made! Also, it has by far the best story ever in any Pokémon game! It's like a fanfiction, but even better than anything I could ever write.

So what are you waiting for? You check it out! And make sure to tell me if you do, I want to know how you find it!

I'll see you in the next chapter!

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