A ddiction to affection would climb up high.
B askets of blessings would be beneath our breath.
C anvasses of compassion would cover up the climate changes.
D umbsized depression would disappear.
E phemeral excitement would last till eternity.
F lavour of flipping pages of books would be a fascination.
G lamour of individuality would be welcomed .
H appiest homosexuals would be a bright harbinger.
I mbrication of illiteracy would find a home to hide.
J ury from the heaven would be busy in sequencing good times.
K ey to KARMA would be kept with utmost care.
L abel of Gender would be lost.
M elody of moral values would be murmured.
N urturing the nature would be a prime task.
O rchid of orb would remove the weeds of corruption.
P enumbra of poverty, pollution would be pissed off.
Q ueue for basic sanitation would not be a pre requisite.
R ipples of Rape would definitely evaporate.
S umptuous souls would be surreal in all shades.
T orchbearers of different tasks would be rewarded.
U mbrella of safety would be ubiquitous.
V alley of peace would be the favourite destination.
W arfare due to words would walk away.
X Rays of Innovation would prevail all over.
Y acht of contentment would sail forward.
Z eal for the Zentih would be unzipped.
Blank Page (☻∩g✿¡∩g✔)
PoetryʙしAǸĸ pAG㉫ The blank page on the table, Compelled me to write About the things that happen Without my might. Like the shining of the Sun And the twinkling of the stars. Of the heaven-like beauty In the universe spread so far. About mother nature An...