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"How come you became a police officer" Veronica asked after a while, breaking the silence.

"Well, every time I thought of all the shit we pulled when we were kids, I felt like I needed to find a way to repay what we, well I, had done. So I became a cop, because if anyone's going to understand criminals, it's me I guess. I just wanted to help people really, like you."

"But aren't you worried they'll catch on to you? I mean, you're legally dead right?"

"Well, for a start, my dad never reported me missing or anything, he didn't care, and since we'd always moved from place to place, we were kind of off the grid. Not enough people noticed I had gone from the area since I hadn't been in Sherwood Ohio for that long, so I lived on my own from then on. It also helps that the few people that did know me knew me as JD instead of Jason Dean, so I didn't have to change my name either. Luckily with this job, I've been moved around a lot, which helps me keep a low profile. I just have to make sure not to get attached to anyone, but I had a lot of practice with that growing up I guess."

This broke Veronica's heart a little, thinking about how lonely he must have been this whole time. She at least had Jenna, he had no one.

"How long have you been in town then" Veronica asked. She wondered how many times they may have passed each other without realising.

"Not long, the only reason I agreed to come back was because I thought you had moved out of town, I didn't want to disturb your life, which is ironic considering everything that's happened tonight" he laughed. At least he wasn't upset anymore, Veronica thought.

Suddenly she realised why she could see Heather, Kurt and Ram and not JD, since he wasn't actually dead! This whole time she had thought he just didn't care or something, when really he was still alive. Veronica instantly regretted thinking about the others though, because as soon as she did she heard the piercing sound of Heather Chandler's voice behind her.

"And they lived, happily ever after!" She cackled walking over beside JD, who of course couldn't see her at all. "Seriously Veronica, drool much".

"Just shut up" Veronica warned.

"Wait what" JD asked confused, thinking she was talking to him.

"Oh Veronica, you know exactly what he is and you love it! I mean do really believe that, that it'll all go back to normal? Over my dead body" the ghost laughed, giggling like the stupid school girl she was.

"Look okay, JD" veronica tried to explain "I'm sorry, I didn't mean you, it's just, now you'll think I'm crazy..."

"Try me" he smirked.

"He won't believe you, he'll think you're crazy, he'll leave you all over again" Heather taunted.

"JUST SHUT UP! Sorry, not you, okay let me explain. Basically, since the ...suicides... I've kind of been able to see Heather, Kurt and Ram. I don't want to see a shrink, so I just put up with it. But they speak to me, I can see Heather now clearly as you, well, almost as clearly, she's a little blurry".

"Okayyy" JD said concerned "so what's she saying?"

"Tell trench coat kid thanks for not blowing up otherwise we'd have had to put with him for the rest of eternity, but also that he's a dick for killing us in the first place"

"It doesn't matter" Veronica answered, rolling her eyes at the ghost in front of her.

"Okay fair enough" he laughed "but seriously Veronica, don't you want to see someone about it?"

"No, I'll probably end up telling people the truth, I can't risk it. If I did, I'd lose Jenna. I'll just stick to being crazy" she sighed.

"You're not crazy" JD said calmly "you just feel guilty, like you don't want to let go of them."

He was right, part of her was scared that she would wake up one day and the ghosts, or whatever they were, would be gone forever. As much as their words, particularly Heather's words, haunted her, by giving them a space in her brain to exist freely, she felt like they hadn't actually died, and she'd done nothing wrong.

"Well, I'd best be going" JD said, grabbing his jacket from the chair next to him, "but are you free at any point tomorrow, we still have a lot to work out, and I'd like, if you'd let me, to get to know Jenna."

Veronica hadn't even had chance to consider what she would tell her daughter. Jenna had grown up being told her dad had died, could she break the truth to her at this point?

"It's really late now, are you sure you don't want to go stay?"

"That works for me" JD smirked.

"Don't be a dick" Veronica scolded, though she couldn't help laughing a little "I meant on the couch."

"Sure, as long as that's fine by you. I mean, to be fair, you did break my nose"

"I mean, to be fair, you did fake your death and abandoned me as a pregnant teenager" she resorted jokingly.

"Call it even" he laughed as Veronica rolled her eyes. She went over to the storage cupboard and pulled out some spare bedding before making the couch up for JD's stay.

"There" she said "just know that Jenna's an early riser, and by that I mean she's ready to leave the house at seven, even though we leave at eight."

"That's fine by me, I start work at 8:30 so I'll probably leave early too. Luckily I have a fresh uniform in my car, so I shouldn't need to go back to my apartment."

"Okay, well, night trench coat kid" Veronica smiled.

"Night Veronica"

September first, 1998Where stories live. Discover now