Jonah Marais

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It's been two weeks since he left, it's been two weeks ever since he broke her heart, it's been two weeks since she felt lonely, it's been two weeks since she felt heartbroken

Y/n lied in bed, cold, sad, alone, scared, and a little angry, she couldn't believe herself, how she fell for all the words he told her, that his so called "best friend" was just a friend, she knew it wasn't true but didn't wanna believe it

Now she was alone and pregnant with his child, he was gone, out of her life, leaving her to take care of their child by herself, she wondered why every single time she loved someone they ended up leaving her

-2 years later-

It has now been two years, she had her son, being a single mother wasn't easy, especially for her age, she was only 19, she may not have finished school but she got her GED

She couldn't go to college but for her that was okay, she continued life as it is but with an amazing addition, her son. She loved him with everything she had, she knew it wasn't much but she tried to make the best out of it

She worked at an organization as the receptionist, that morning she had to be at the office early but her babysitter couldn't make it, she had to take her Ethan with her

She put him in the car and buckled him in, he babbled the whole car ride, her son had Down syndrome, she didn't see him different from any other kids, she promised her son that she would protect him at all costs

She arrived at work and talked with her manager, the manager let Ethan stay at work with her, her manager allowed Y/n to have Ethan play in her office, she sat him on the floor and laid out his toys

Y/n: "stay here Ethan, we can go home later, okay?"

He giggly smiled, she kissed his head and smiled

After finishing her shift, she went to get Ethan, she packed up his stuff and carried him out the building, on the way to her car she dropped his sippy cup

She put down Ethan and at the same time she went to put up the cup and boy with brown hair did the same, he handed her the cup and smiled

Y/n: "thanks"

??: "no problem"

He smiled, she returned the smiled and held Ethan in her arms

??: I'm Jonah

Y/n: "Y/n"

Jonah: "whose this little guy?"

He looked at Ethan softly shook his little hand

Y/n: "this is my son Ethan"

Jonah: "nice to meet you little guy"

Ethan giggled and hid his face in her shoulder, she laughed and rubbed his back

Jonah: "I was on my way to get some coffee, would you like to join?"

Y/n: "uh sure, just let me get something"

Y/n set down Ethan and saw that he was trying to walk away

Y/n: "no no Ethan, um Jonah?"

Jonah: "yeah?"

Y/n: "would mind holding him, he tends to wonder around"

Jonah: "yeah no problem"

Y/n handed him Ethan and put my bag and grabbed Ethan's clean cup

She took Ethan from Jonah's arms and they walked to a coffee, as they walked in, and Y/n saw an elderly couple sitting down

Elderly woman: "such a beautiful couple"

Y/n softly laughed and Jonah smiled, they handed them their orders

Barista: "you have such a beautiful family"

Y/n: "oh we're-"

Jonah: "thank you"

They walked out the shop and he walked her back to her car

Y/n: "thanks for coffee"

Jonah: "it was no problem"

Y/n: "I should get Ethan home"

Jonah: "it was nice meeting you"

Y/n: "same here"

Jonah: "would you like to do this another time"

Y/n: "I would love that, here's my number"

Jonah: "thanks, see you around Y/n, bye little guy"

She smiled as he walked away

Maybe this time it'll work

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