Jack Avery

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Y/n watched as everyone was being happy with their soulmate, she had yet to find hers, she had a crescent moon marked on her arm above her wrist, when people would find their soulmate their markings would disappear, out of all her friends Y/n was the only one still searching for her mate

Of course she didn't mind not finding her mate but, her friends would gush and blush about their boyfriends or girlfriends, she felt left out, and lonely at times, them being good friends, they tried to help Y/n find her mate but she was too stubborn to take the help from them

She acted as if she didn't want or need the help, but she truly did need and want it, the school bell rang excusing the students from their classes, she hurriedly threw her books in her bag and slung the bag over her shoulder, then ran out the classroom to her locker

She grabbed her skateboard and headed out the school, she passed some of her friends and saw them skating, holding hands and everything else with their soulmate, she looked away with sadness and jealousy, then she went to the nearest skate park and tried to drown her thoughts of her soulmate

She skated down the ramp trying out her new tricks, as she came back up from the pit, she bumped into someone that cause then both to fall, Y/n winced as she gotten up and went to help the boy up

??: "I'm so sorry"

Y/n: "it's cool I'm Y/n"

??: "Daniel, if you don't mind me asking, can you pull your sleeve up?"

She nodded and pulled her sleeve about her marking, his eyes widen

Daniel: "do mind waiting here for a second?"

Y/n: "not at all"

Daniel: "okay I'll be back right quick"

She nodded as Daniel came back he brought another guy back with him, as they came closer she noticed that he had small curls and a little taller than her

Daniel: "Y/n this is Jack, now Jack show her your arm"

Jack: "okay but why?"

He pulled up his sleeve and there was a mark like
Y/n's, a crescent moon, as Jack pulled up his sleeve both of their markings disappeared

Daniel: "it was nice meeting Y/n, but I'll let you two talk this out, see ya later Jack"

Daniel walked away then Jack spoke up

Jack: "well it looks like we're soulmates"

Y/n: "yeah I guess so"

Jack: "can I see your phone real quick?"

I handed him my phone and he smiled as he typed something in

Jack: "there's my number, I'll call you later tonight if you want"

Y/n: "yeah that sounds cool"

He smiled and handed me my phone back

Jack: "see you around"

Y/n: "bye Jack"

He stopped then turned around

Jack: "by the way, your beautiful"

I blushed and he smiled again

Y/n: "thanks"

I said looking down, then he used his finger to make me look at him

Jack: "don't hide your blush"

Y/n: "oh gosh"

I nervously giggled looking down again

Jack: "see ya later...soulmate"

He kissed my cheek then walked away, I touched where he kissed my cheek and fell backwards, luckily my friend was there to catch me

Y/f/n: "looks like you got yourself a charmer"

Y/n: "that boy is gonna be the death of me, and I just met him"

I said still blushing, she laughed and helped me stand straight

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