Chapter 2

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Y/n pov✨

"BUTT I DONT WANNA GO TO SCHOOLLLLLL!" I whined to my grandma "Plz mija you have to go, i'll make (f/f) when you get backk

(i perfer cookies,butt yall choose your favorite desstert or food)

. . . "wut time is it again?" I asked. " 8:00 am mija

(btw mija means like daughter or something like dat idk but its a nickname)

. . . "SHIT" I yelled

Le TiMe SkIp

Y/n pov (lmao)

I entered the class room and saw Reki questioned by some couple of guys who were surrounding his table.

"Skateboarding thats how >:)" he said with a proud smile. "Ugh lame" said one guy. "Yeah skateboarding is boring" another one said as they left Reki alone. 'Yell dayum that was harsh'

I sneaked up on Reki to scare him and.... the school bell rang and to be honest, i was disapointed cause i didn't get to scare him;-;.

"So today we have a New student, plz make him feel welcomed" said the teacher. There were alot of whispers, most girls asked if he was hot or cute. Some guys asked if he was weak or strong. Tbh i didnt really care. Then he came in. He was tall, light blue hair and light blue eyes like ice, he seemed pretty calmed.

"Aren't you gonna introduce yourself?" Asked the teacher. "Oh- my name is Langa hasegawa" he finished.
"Thats it??" Asked the teacher one more time. "Oh- i come from canada" Langa answered. 'Dont laugh dont laugh dont Dont laugh dont laugh' i mentally scoled myself trying to contajn my laughter.
Another time skipppppp✨

"Reki i swear to barbatos if you drop that skateboard, i aint going to get it for free." I said a little mad.
"Oh come on (Y/n)-chan i'm not go-" and then Reki drops the skateboard.



"God fucking dam it Reki."


Reki, our clumsy bb 🙏🤌💞💙

𝐒𝐊𝟖 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐘 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑Where stories live. Discover now