chapter 6

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HEY YALL, I'm going to try to update this story, considering that I have other stories to work on so I'll try my best to update this one



Risa POV

Big sis has always been working hard, ever since our parents moved away without us. She's been looking for jobs non-stop and it's concerning how desperate she's been looking.

I always try not to complain to her about stuff that I want but, it's so hard watching other kids have stuff that I always wanted. Some of them even try to rub it in my face, and it's so hard to try not to punch their God damn stupid face.

"HEy lOoK iTS tHaT PoOr giRl" if we weren't at school i'd beat your ass right there right now.

It's completely annoying how irritating some students are, all I can do is just stand down and wait...well atleast for now.

I sighed as I was waiting for the bus, there was a group of girls who were snickering. I wasn't able to hear them but I didn't pay attention. I completely spaced out until I heard someone yell

"Hey look out!" I snapped towards where i heard the voice and saw a ball that was about to hit me, it was already too close for me to dodge it so I just closed my eyes and waited for impact until it didn't come.

Confused, I opened my eyes only to be met with a hand about a couple of inches away from my face. I just blinked about 2 times before processing what had just happen.

"You alright Risa-Sama?" Wait I know that voice I looked down to see the culprit of the sudden voice and it turned out to be Mya Chenin.

"Oh Mya, yes I'm alright. Thank you" I smiled at him warmly, feeling a bit relieved he caught the ball.

"You shouldn't let slimes like those talk bad about you alright? They're just a waste of your time. " He said looking at me with a bit of concern. Only for me to chuckle a bit of his reaction, honestly it was adorable.

"Thank you Chenin, but at this point I would rather not get in trouble. So dont worry about me alright?"

He only looked at me for a second before hesitantly nodding and looking away, his reaction caused me to giggle a bit as I felt amused.



"I'm going to kill myself I will do it oh my fucking god-" scratching her head she looked down at the puzzle she was trying her best to solve. This woman was having a tough time trying to do this puzzle for the past 12 hours she even forgot to drink water

What a loser.

Pushing her hair out of her face she hit her head in the table before hearing knocking from the other side of the door that leads into her room.

"Mija, you have not eaten or drinked water for a little bit please come out and eat." Their grandmother pleaded, worried for her grandchilds health and safety.

"... I'm not hungry, I'll go get water in a bit." Sighing (Y/N) got up and stretched out her limbs while humming. He could hear her grandmas steps fading, signaling that she had already left.

They weren't going to deny that they were starving themselves on purpose. And why is that?

It was fucking Adam.

He tried making a move again just when things started to get better.

It felt truly disgusting

Not only did Adam try to make a move on Y/N but what's worse is that they have a feeling that it's not only on them, but in Langa aswell.

Holding onto their growling stomach they let out a soft groan before walking over and collapsing on the bed. "What the hell am I doing now days? I look like a joke" they muttered quietly, turning their head to the side they saw a photo. A family photo to be exact.

Extending an arm to grab it they pulled it closer and examined it. Having small flashbacks or their past.

"Hey Y/N, be a dearest and behaving during this meeting will you?"

"I have high expectations of you Y/N. Of you and your sister."

"What did you do?!"

Some things are better left unspoken of.

Throwing the portrait across the room, hot tears began to fall down his cheeks. Letting out small sobs here and there to make sure her grandma hadn't heard her.

"Why can't I still bring myself to hate them?.. W-Why?!" Burying their face in the mattress of the bed they tried to calm themselves. Though of course it didn't work.

Memories of the past are one thing not many can forget, what's done is done. You can't change it at all.

That's how it's been and always will be.

Deal with it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2023 ⏰

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